Page 21 of Forbidden Desire
“An‘older male’?”Idemanded. “Likesay…maybe one of you?Someoneon theCouncil?”
“Well…that would be a wise choice, yes,”Ricktersaid, nodding as though he had weighed what was best forDelilahand he was only suggesting this for her own good.Asif what he really wantedwasn’tto get his greedy hands on her beautiful, curvy body for his own disgusting, lustful reasons.
“Thefact that your little sister has one golden eye suggests she hasRoyalblood in her veins—she would be a fitting wife for a person of authority like someone on theCouncil,” he went on. “Themale heirs she would bear her mate would be bigger and stronger because of her heritage.Theywould—”
“Listento me…”Ileaned on the table again and glared at all of them, meeting each one’s eyes in turn. “Noneof you is laying a single finger on my little sister,”Itold them. “Especiallynot you,Rickter!”Ipointed at him. “It’snot fucking happening, so justforget it, becauseI’llcall out any male who tries.Andyou know how strong myFurFormis—none of you would stand a chance against myWolf!”
Therewere murmurs of surprised and shocked expressions all around the table.Noneof them had heard me speak that way before—Ihad been trying to be respectful because they were older than me and supposedly had more experience and wisdom.Butthis was too fucking much andIwasn’t going to stand for it!
“Excuseme,Packmaster,”Ricktersaid with elaborate politeness. “Butif you don’t mind me saying so, you’re acting more like a jealous suitor than a protective big brother here.”
“Whatare you trying to say,Rickter?”Idemanded.
“Well, just that there have been some…rumors.”Hemade a face, as though talking about a distasteful subject. “Weall know thatDelilahspent quite some time living with you, in your home, after your parents died.”
“Areyou accusing me of breaking theUnbreakableLawwith my own little sister?”Idemanded, raising an eyebrow at him. “Areyou accusing your ownPackmasterofincest?”
“Nobodysaidthat,”Rickterprotested uneasily.NowthatIhad called him out on his accusation, he clearly wanted to change the subject.
“Theywhatareyou saying?”Idemanded.
“I’mjust saying, how can you deny your little sister the right to find a mate and have children of her own?” he exclaimed.
“I’mnotdenyingher anything,”Isaid mildly. “I’mdenyingyouthe right to pursue her.Asthe only male relative left in her life, that’s my right.”
Whichit is—by theLawsof ourPack,Ihad the right to choose her mate—or to forbid any maleIdidn’t like from going after her.Isit sexist and misogynistic?Yes.ButwasIgoing to use theLawto my benefit and to protectDelilahfrom this bunch of horny oldWeres?Also,hell yes.
Ricktergot a sour expression on his face.
“Soyou’re saying that if anotherWereshowed an interest in her—a younger, inexperienced male—”
“Basicallyanyone butyou,”Isaid giving him a cheerful grin that didn’t quite reach my eyes. “Butyes, she needs someone more her own age.I’mnot going to send her off to get mated to someone the same age as her father!That’snot fucking fair to her.”
“Butshe needs a male with a firm hand to control her!She’sproven that by flaunting her body in public!”Rickterargued.
“She’sgota male with a strong hand.She’sgotme,”Igrowled, losing my patience. “I’vetaken care of the situation andIdon’t want to hear any more about it!Now, is there any otherPackbusiness you’d like to discuss?Ifnot,Ihave several thingsIhave to deal with.”
TheCouncilmembers muttered among themselves andRickterkept the sour expression on his face, but they finally let it drop.Iwas relieved…but pissed off too.Mylittle sister had really brought down a shit show on my head with her latest stunt.Andwho knew what she would think up next?Shewas luckyIwas still willing to stick up for her or she’d be on her way to get mated to a male old enough to be her father right now!
ButasIleft theCouncilmeeting, still fuming,Rickter’sridiculous suggestion gave me an idea.Delilahhad been getting into a lot of trouble lately and nothingIdid or said seemed to stop her.EvenafterIhad dragged her out of the damn strip club and spanked her lush bottom until it was red as a sunset, she was still defiant—which made me think she wasn’t done getting into hot water yet.
WhatifIcould teach her a lesson, though?Whatif she thought she reallywasgoing to be married off to an older male—maybe from anotherPack.Wouldn’tthat scare her straight?
Iwas betting it would.Icould even make it seem like her prospective mate had seen her atTheDollHouseand gotten interested in her from watching her strip.Thenshe would know she had only herself to blame for the arranged marriage she thought was coming her way.
Ofcourse, eventuallyIwould reveal that it was all a ruse—a “life lesson” as myDadused to like to say.AndIwould tell her that if she didn’t straighten up and fly right,Ireally would marry her off to some balding bastard old enough to be her father.Thatought to be enough of a threat to keep her on the straight and narrow…but only ifIsold it right.
AsIclimbed into theEscaladeandKurtstarted the engine,Iwas already making some rather elaborate plans…plans to be sure my little sister never,evermisbehaved again.
Theknock on my door surprised me.Ihad just gotten out of a long soak in the tub and was thinking about ordering someThaifood for dinner.ButIhadn’t called for it yet andIwasn’t allowed to have visitors—so who could it be?
Igot my answer whenIopened the door and one of myAlphaguards took me by the arm.
“Comewith me, please,” he said firmly.