Page 28 of Forbidden Desire
Sothenof course, she’d asked ifIwanted a lap dance…andIhadn’t exactly said no.
Ididn’t say “yes,” either though,Itold myself defensively.I’lljust watch her dance.Ijust want to see her once and thenI’llsend her on her way.
Yeah, right.Ididn’t just want to see my little sister’s beautiful body—Iwanted to touch it too.ButIwasn’t about to admit that to myself…not at that point, anyway.
Andthen the door opened and she came out, erasing all other thoughts from my mind.
Shewas wearing the little plaid school skirtIhad picked out for her with a pair of white knee socks and black platformMaryJanes.Underthe short skirt she had on a tiny pair of black panties cut so low they showed almost all of her pussy slit.Iwondered if stripping turned her on—Iliked the way her outer cunt lips were so puffy that they were spreading open on their own to show me just a hint of her tight little clit.
Uptop, she was wearing the unique bow-bra top thatI’dfound whenIwas looking for just the right thing to showcase her gorgeous big tits.Theback and sides of it were like a normal bra but the front of it was completely cut out.Twowide sashes of fabric came around the front to cover her breasts and tied in a bow between them.However, the material was extremely thin and see-through, soDelilah’stight, ripe nipples could be plainly seen poking through the thin fabric.Shemight as well have been topless.
Icould scarcely believe this was my little sister—who had been so flat and scrawny not even two years ago.Nowshe was all big breasts and round ass and full, curving hips.Notto mention her luscious thick thighs.Anddamn, did she look fucking hot in that naughty little outfit!
“Doyou like it?”Delilahgrabbed the pole in one hand and spun around it, giving me a view from all angles. “Doyou like how the clothes you picked look on me?” she asked.
“Fuckyes, baby.”Myvoice was a hoarse growl. “Youlook fuckingspectacular.”
“I’mglad you think so.”Shegave me a shy smile and then straightened up and looked at me expectantly. “Well?Ican’t dance with no music,” she reminded me.
“Oh, right—sorry.”
Ihit play on the music remote and the pounding rhythm ofPonybegan flowing out of the hidden speakers.Delilahseemed to like it, because she nodded and gave me a naughty smile.
“Mmm, nice choice,” she murmured.
Andthen she began to dance.
Iwatched as she writhed sinuously around the pole.Shewasreallygood—Imean that.Shewas able to flip and twist all over the place, and yetIknew she couldn’t have been doing it for long.Iwould have heard about it if she was stripping someplace else.AsPackmasterof a very largePack,Ihave eyes and ears everywhere.
Butright now, my eyes were trained on my little sister as she danced only for me.
Delilahspent some time on the pole, going through about three songs and putting on a very sexy performance.Iespecially liked a certain move she did where she wrapped her right arm and leg around the pole and threw the left leg and arm out wide.
Themove caused her sexy little panties to go even lower, exposing her whole pussy and her wide-spread thighs made her puffy outer cunt lips open even more, putting her throbbing little clit on display.Shespun around the pole and then held the position, breasts thrust out and her pussy on full display several times andIfelt like she was doing it especially to tease and tempt me.
Butat last she left the pole and came towards me, crawling like a cat on her hands and knees.Icould feel my heart pounding asIwatched her come, butIdidn’t tell her to get away.Whenshe reached me, she raised up on her knees and placed her hands on my thighs.
“Thisis whereIask you again if you want a lap dance,” she murmured in a low, sultry voice. “Thisis a private performance, so you don’t have to tip me—just enjoy yourself.”
Bythat time my cock was so hardIfelt likeIhad a fucking telephone pole shoved down the front of my trousers.Icouldn’t have said “no” ifIwanted to—andIdamn sure didn’t want to.Iknew it was wrong to get a lap dance from my own little sister, butIcouldn’t make myself care anymore.
“Allright,”Itold her, my voice coming out low and hoarse. “Goahead—give me a lap dance, baby.”
Delilahgave me another naughty smile.
“Sitback,” she told me. “Andspread your legs—Ineed room to work.”
Idid as she said, trying to relax back against the leather couch and letting my thighs fall wide apart for her.Butshe didn’t get in my lap immediately.Insteadshe rose to her full height—and then some, thanks to the platform heels—and began to dance in front of me.
Sheran her hands down her body, caressing her breasts and thighs.Sheplayed with her skirt, pretending to try and pull it down to cover her pussy, when she was actually doing no such thing.Thenshe ran her fingers up her inner thighs.Takingthe thin side straps of her panties, she pretended to tug on them as though to pull them up—but again this didn’t do a thing—the tiny panties were still riding low and showing her whole pussy.Themove just called attention to how hot and wet she was and how swollen her little clit seemed to be—as though it was begging for attention.
Throughit all,Ijust sat there and watched.Iwas mesmerized by how sexy my little sister was.Ihad never dreamed that the sweet, awkward little girl who had come to live in our house when she was just eleven would grow into such a hot, gorgeous sex kitten.Herlong curls swirled around her shoulders like red gold silk and her ripe nipples were pressing hard against the thin fabric of her top as she danced just for me.
Ofcourse, she didn’t know it was me…or did she?Sheseemed almost to be offering herself, the way she had on that fateful night whenIhad decidedIwould have to cut her out of my life forever, in order to avoid breaking the fuckingUnbreakableLaw—which in all fairness, really shouldn’t apply to us since we had no blood relation between us.
Betterbe careful,a little voice whispered inside my head.Itsounds an awful lot like you’re justifying yourself there,Cole.Makingexcuses for things you want to do that you know are forbidden.
Butthe next minute,Delilah’sdance changed again, pushing the guilty little voice out of my head.