Page 29 of Forbidden Desire
Leaningforward, she ran her hands down my shoulders and arms…and then down to my thighs.Shedid this several times andIswearIfelt her light touch like a fire burning in my veins.Mycock was throbbing now and the lap dance itself hadn’t even actually happened yet.
Butthen it did.
Delilahturned and flipped up the back of her skirt, showing me her round, full ass.Thenshe braced her hands on my knees and lowered herself down to my lap, rubbing and rolling her hips to press her nearly bare pussy right against the aching length of my cock.
WhenItell you that my hands were itching to touch her,ImeanIhad to curl them into fists to stop myself.Icouldn’t stop thinking of that last night together—the way she had put my hand on her breast and then asked me to finger her pussy to see if she was “too wet.”Itwas allIcould do to keep my hands to myself.
Butthen the dance changed again.
Delilahturned and straddled me, planting her knees on either side of my hips.Herbig breasts were almost in my face, with only the see-through fabric of her top between us.
“Youknow,” she murmured. “Idon’t usually like doing this—giving lap dancesImean.”
“Well, you seem to be enjoying this one,”Ipointed out. “Unlessyou’re faking it.”
“No,I’mnot.”Sheshook her head, her long curls shifting over her shoulders with the motion. “Maybebecause…”Shelooked up at me through her eyelashes. “Becauseyou remind me of someone.”
“Oh?”Iasked.Myheart was pounding. “Andwho doIremind you of, baby?”
“Someonespecial.”Reachingdown, she wrapped her fingers around my left wrist.Withher thumb, she began to caress the old scarIhad there—oneIhad gotten years ago protecting her from a dog that had gone crazy for some reason.Delilahhad just moved in with us and the incident had been a scary one for her.She’sstill deathly afraid of dogs because of it—not thatIblame her.Thatfucking thing would have torn her throat out ifIhadn’t gotten in the way.
“Andhow is he special to you?”Iasked.Wasshe trying to tell me something?Didshe know it was me behind the mask?
“He’sthe most special man in my life,” she murmured. “Butlately we’ve been apart for most of the time.Andwell…Imisshim.Hewas always so kind and strong andprotective,” she added, still rubbing my scar. “Ifhe was here,Iwould give him a very special dance.”
“How?Imean, special in what way?”Myvoice was a hoarse growl andIcouldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful body.
Delilahbit her lip.
“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain.Maybe…maybeIshould show you?Imean,Icould pretend that you’re him…if you don’t mind.”
Partof me knewIought to stop things right then and there.ButsomehowIjust couldn’t.
“Allright, baby,”Imurmured. “Showme…pretendI’mhim—the special man in your life.”
“Iwill.”Shelet go of my wrist and then, deliberately holding my eyes with her own, she untied the bow at the front of her bra and spread the fabric wide, showing me her big, naked tits.Ihad never seen nipples so ripe and juicy…or so tight.Fuckinggorgeous.
Imade a low sound in my throat but somehow managed to keep my hands at my sides.Thiswas my little sister,Ireminded myself.Ishouldn’twantto touch her.Shouldn’twant to feel those big breasts filling my hands or want to suck those ripe, juicy nipples and make her moan with pleasure.
Iexpected her to thrust her breasts right in my face, butDelilahwasn’t done talking yet.
“Doyou know different strip clubs have different rules about what can and can’t happen during a lap dance?”Sheasked, her breasts swaying gently as she talked.
“Oh?Andhow do you know that?”Iasked suspiciously. “Haveyou danced at a lot of them?”
“No—justTheDollHouse,” she told me. “AndIwas only dancing there to get my special guy’s attention.Iknew he would find outIwas dancing and then he couldn’t ignore me.ButIdid my due diligence whenIwas choosing where to strip.”
Thiswas all news to me.Isuddenly wondered if all the troubleDelilahhad been getting into for the past year was all just to get my attention.Shemust have felt hurt and abandoned whenIleft her that night and then refused to see her again.Andit was all because of that stupidUnbreakableLaw…a lawIwas feeling more and more ambivalent about.
“Youmust have really wanted him to pay attention to you if you went to all that trouble to get his notice,”Isaid quietly.
Delilahnodded, her eyes big and hurt.
“Ireally do,” she confessed. “Look, canItell you who he is?”
Ifelt my pulse speed up.
“Ifyou want to,”Isaid.