Page 33 of Forbidden Desire
Icould feel him throbbing against me as he rubbed his long, thick shaft against my open pussy.Myclit was aching with need andIwas right on the edge of coming…
“God, baby…wishIcould,’ he groaned again. “Comecloser—let me suck your nipples again while you give me the pussy massage.”
Well, at this point it was reallyhimrubbing againstme—not the other way around.ButIdidn’t point that out.Ijust leaned forward, offering my bare breasts again as he gripped my hips and ground himself against me, pumping his hips up to increase the friction between his thick cock and my wet pussy as though we really were fucking.
Whenhe sucked one of my tight nipples into his mouth again, pulling deep and hard on my tight bud,Ifelt myself tilting over the edge.Theextra stimulation on top of feelingColerub his cock against my open pussy and my throbbing clit was too much.
“Oh, big brother!”Imoaned, throwing my head back. “OhGod,I’mcoming!Comingso hard on your cock!”
Mywords seemed to setColeoff too because the next minute he gripped my hips extra hard and brought me down while at the same time pumping up.Iheard a low groan come from his throat and then something hot and wet was spurting all over both our bellies.
Ifelt a surge of triumph mixed with tenderness and desire as my orgasm washed through me.Finally,Colewas coming with me—coming with his cock pressed against my pussy!
Wasit really so hard to believe that very soon he would be coming inside me, maybe even bonding me to him and tying the two of us together for life?
Ithought it wasn’t so hard to imagine.ButIhad no idea what a long way we still had to go before we could be together.
Idon’t know what came over me.Ijust couldn’t fucking stop myself.Ithink it was all those nights of laying awake, fantasizing about my little sister’s ripe body.OrmaybeIjust have poor self-control.ButIcouldn’t say no to the pussy massage she offered me andIcouldn’t stop from coming all over her belly whenIfelt her little cunt quivering around me as she came as well.
Wasit right?Absolutelynot.Afterwe got cleaned up andIsent her homeItold myselfIwould never do it again.Neverfucking ever.
Sothen why didIfind myself sendingKurtto pick her up again at the same time the next night?Mysecond in command gave me a long look but didn’t ask any questions.Hejust brought my little sister to the penthouse apartmentIhad rented for this purpose soIcould “teach her another life lesson”, asIso casually put it.
ThistimeIonly wore a simple black mask that covered just my eyes.Theother one that covered my hair and head was too damn hot,Itold myself.Besides,Iknew thatDelilahknew who the “olderWere” who she was supposed to dance for really was.
Butwhen she came to the door, she kept up the illusion with me.Shedidn’t call me by name, even though she could clearly see it was me.Shedidcall me “big brother” which caused an uneasy kind of lust to build inside me.Itwas almost like she was sneering at theUnbreakableLawagainst incest—like we were flaunting it together.
Iwas careful not to go too far, though.Justas she had before,Delilahdanced and stripped for me and then offered me a lap dance.ThistimeIagreed without hesitating—Iwanted her beautiful body rubbing against mine andIcouldn’t deny it.
Isucked and tugged on her ripe nipples—this timeIeven imaginedItasted a faint sweetness, as though she really was going intoHeatand her breasts were beginning to produce nectar.ButItold myselfIwas imagining it.
Afterall, though she could no longer exactly be considered a dud,Delilahstill hadn’t ever had aHeatCycle—not even a partial one.Andit would be very unusual for her to have one now that she was so much older than most females were when they went intoHeat.
SoIjust kept sucking her nipples, loving the way she moaned and gasped and writhed against me asIdid.
Asbefore, she wanted to give me a “pussy massage” and againIagreed.ButIwanted to try things differently this time.Ipicked her up and took her into the bedroom.ThenIput her face down in the middle of the king-sized bed.
“Oh, big brother!”Shegasped, turning her head to look up at me.
Tonightshe had on an even skimpier outfit than before.Itwas what they call an “invisible bikini.”Whichis to say, it was nothing but a couple of strings that outlined her big breasts and bare pussy leaving her nipples and her wet little slit on full display.
“Whatare you doing?”Delilahasked me asIarranged a pillow lengthwise under her belly and thighs.
“We’regoing to do the pussy massage a little differently tonight,”Igrowled, unable to keep the lust out of my voice. “I’mgoing to rub against you from behind.Areyou going to be a good girl and let me?”
Icould see the uncertainty in her eyes, but she only nodded.
“Yes, big brother.I…Ican be a good girl,” she said softly. “Only…are you sure you won’t accidentally slip inside me this way?I’mso much moreopen.”Shespread her thighs and arched her back, giving me a good view of her sweet wet pussy as if to illustrate her point.
“Yes, your pussy is more exposed, but you still have your panties on,”Ipointed out, even though the panties in question were completely crotchless and wouldn’t do a thing to stop me ifIdecided to thrust inside her. “Thatshould make it safe—right?”
Shebit her lip.
“I…Iguess so.Allright, big brother—go ahead.I’mready to give you a pussy massage now,” she told me.Shespread her thighs even wider for me, giving me easy access to her open pussy.