Page 34 of Forbidden Desire
Hersoft words and the way she was submitting to me made me so fucking hardIcouldn’t wait any longer.Ihad already taken off my jacket.Ishucked my trousers down as well, letting my cock come out to play.Iwas throbbing with need asIknelt over her, covering her curvy, much smaller body with my own larger, harder form and slipped my cock between her pussy and the pillow.
“Oh, big brother, that feelsgood!”Delilahmoaned asIbegan to rub against her.Icould feel her swollen outer lips enfolding me, rubbing against the top of my cock as the bottom part rubbed against the soft pillow.Igripped her hips hard, pushing her down to increase the friction.Shemoaned but didn’t resist asIstarted to thrust for allIwas worth—wishingIwas all the way in her instead of just rubbing against her slippery inner folds.
Andthen it happened—Ipulled back too far and whenIpushed forward again, instead of sliding betweenDelilah’spussy and the pillow, my cock found the mouth of her pussy and actually began to slide inside.
Irealized what was happening and managed to stop with only the head and an inch or two more inside her tight little channel.Icould feel her virgin pussy giving my cock head a sweet, sucking kiss and it took every ounce of willpowerIhad not to keep going and thrust all the way, balls-deep inside her.
“Oh!”Delilahgasped and we both froze like that, with me partially penetrating her. “Oh, big brother!”Shepanted, looking over her shoulder at me. “Your…Ithink your cock went…went inside me.”
“Yesit did—but only a little way, baby,”Ireassured her. “Letme hold still for a minute—I’mafraid ifIpull out too fastI’llcome and shoot right in your tight little pussy.”
Delilahbit her lower lip andIcould see her trying to hold still.
“Does…does this mean you’re going to fuck me after all, big brother?”Sheasked in a small voice. “Idon’t mind only, you’re sobig.”Asshe spoke,Icould feel her inner muscles flexing around me, almost like she was trying to get used to feeling my cock stretching out her pussy’s inner walls.
Herwords and the way she was submitting to my cock in her pussy sent a wave of lust rushing through me.
“Whatwould you do ifIdiddecide to fuck you?”Igrowled in her ear. “Wouldyou fight me?Wouldyou try to stop me?Orwould you spread your pussy for me and take my cock deep inside, like a good girl?”
Ihonestly wanted to hear her answer.Severaltimes now she had offered herself to me—claiming she would even take my knot and let me fill her womb with my seed to give her a breeding bump—a very obvious sign to anyWerewho sees her that a girl has opened herself for breeding and allowed herself to be fucked and filled.Butwas she serious?Ireally wanted to know.
“Whatdo you say, little sister?”Igrowled, since she still hadn’t answered me. “Wouldyou let your own big brother be the first to fuck your pussy and fill your womb with his cum?Wouldyou be a good girl and get into breeding position soIcould knot you?Wouldyou even take the head of my cock deep in the mouth of your womb and let me give you a breeding bump?”
AsIspoke,Iremoved my hands from her hips, giving her a free choice.Shecould pull away from me if she wanted me out of her.Iwasn’t going to stop her—but neither wasIpulling out myself untilIheard her answer.
Atlast she spoke.
“Yes, big brother—Iwould let you do that.Iwould let you doallof that to me,” she said in a low voice.Shestruggled under me and after a moment, she eased herself up on her hands and knees…which had the effect of pushing even more of my thick shaft into the tightly stretched mouth of her wet pussy.
“God, baby—what are you doing?”Igroaned asIwatched her, butIdidn’t try to stop her.Itfelt like her sweet virgin pussy was sucking me in andIcouldn’t seem to call an end to the deliciously tight friction between us.
“I’mshowing you whatI’ddo if you really decided to fuck me…to breed me and knot me,”Delilahsaid in a soft voice that shook a little. “I’dopen myself for you, big brother.I’dtake your thick cock deep inside my pussy.Likethis.”
Andwith a little moan, she spread her thighs, tilted her hips, and backed against me, taking another two inches of my cock into her wet depths.
“God, baby—you don’t have to do that,”Igroaned, watching as she impaled her soft little pussy on my cock. “Iknow your little pussy is a virgin—Iknow it must hurt to take me inside you like this—must hurt to let me stretch your little pussy out on my cock.”
“It…it doesn’t hurt,”Delilahprotested. “Orelse, it only hurts alittle.Imean, you’re really big, but you made my pussy nice and wet when you sucked on my nipples for so long.It’sokay, big brother—Ican take it if…if you need to fuck me.Goahead, do it—slide your cock all the way inside me and fill me up.Iwon’t try to get away—I’llbe a good girl and take it all—even the knot.”
Bythis time she had almost half my cock inside her andIknew she was serious…butIalso knew it was time to put an end to this.Asmuch asIloved the feeling of her inner walls massaging me,Iwas getting dangerously close to coming inside my own little sister’s pussy—the very definition of breaking theUnbreakableLawagainst incest.
“That’senough, baby,”Isaid, gripping her by the hips again before she could impale herself completely. “Youneed to stop now orImight shoot my cum inside you and flood your little womb with my seed.”
“ButIwant to give you a pussy massage,”Delilahprotested. “Please, big brother—Idon’t mind if you need to fuck me and shoot your cum inside me.Idon’t even mind if you want to knot me and get me pregnant.I’dbe happy to have my belly swell with your baby.”
“Lilah,”Isaid gently, using her name for once to let her knowIwas serious. “Youknow we can’t go that far—it would be breaking theUnbreakableLaw.Committingincest.Ican’t seed my own little sister’s womb and give her a breeding bump and a big belly.”
Delilahmoaned that she didn’t care about “that stupid law” butIwas already pulling out of her—very,verycarefully,Imight add, because her tight little pussy was like a velvet glove wrapped around my cock andIwas aching to spurt deep inside her.
“Cole, please!”Shebegged whenIfinally pulled out.
“Don’tcall me that,”Iwarned asIflipped her over.Icovered her body with my own and nestled my throbbing cock between her puffy outer cunt lips soIcould rub against her slippery inner folds.
“But…but big brother!” she moaned breathlessly.
“Bea good girlDelilahand spread your pussy soIcan rub against you.Bea good girl and come with me,”Itold her.Andgripping her hips,Ibore down, rubbing ruthlessly against her open pussy until she began to shake and cry and moan that she was “coming, big brother!Comingso hard on your cock!”
Thenand only then didIlet myself spurt—notin my little sister’s pussy but on her belly.