Page 35 of Forbidden Desire
Itold myself later thatIhad done the right thing, pulling out asIhad.ButwhatIdidn’t realize was that even getting that close to fucking and breeding her had changed something in my little sister’s body…
Somethingirreversible that couldn’t be righted without finishing what we both had started.
Iwoke up feeling strange and achy between my legs the next day.Afterwe came together,Colehad cleaned me up and sent me home withKurtas my driver.Hissecond in command wouldn’t meet my eyes and we said nothing to each other as he drove me home.Ididsee theAlphaguard who was assigned to me casting curious looks over the back seat, however.
Iignored both of them.Iwas too wrapped up in remembering what had almost happened between myself andCole.Mybig brother hadalmostfucked me and even having his thick shaft only halfway inside me had felt incredible.
Mypussy mouth still felt as though something thick was stretching it.Cole’scock was longer and thicker than any of the toys in my limited collection.Iwondered ifIwas still technically a virgin, since he hadn’t actually bottomed out inside me or fucked me or shot his cum inside me.IdecidedIprobably was…butIwishedIwasn’t.Iwanted him all the way inside me—even though it hurt a little.Itwas a good kind of pain and the feeling of submitting to him made me weak with desire.
Butthe next morningIwoke up feeling strange, asIsaid.Ifelt an aching emptiness inside—as though my pussy, which had been only half filled the night before, was now demanding to be completely filled today.Itwas an odd feeling andItried to ignore it, but it kept getting stronger as the day went by.
Then, sometime after lunch,Ilooked down and saw thatIhad two wet spots on the front of my blouse.AtfirstIthought thatIhad spilled some of the white wineI’dbeen treating myself to, even though it was nowhere near five o’clock.ButIsoon realized that couldn’t be it, becauseIhad finished the glass some time before.Whatwas going on?
Iwent to the bathroom and took off my blouse and bra and examined my breasts.Sureenough, my nipples were stiff and achy and they had turned a much darker color—almost maroon.Also, whenIpinched one experimentally between my thumb and finger, a droplet of amber colored liquid came out.
Istared at it in disbelief.Wasthat whatIthoughtit was?Surelynot…but what if it was?
Itried my other breast and got more of the amber liquid.Bothbreasts seemed to be bigger too—they must be filled with the stuff.Atthe same time, my pussy was feeling more and more swollen with need.Iwasachingto be filled.
Indesperation,Iwent to my bedroom and got out my biggest toy.Ipushed it up inside my pussy, as deep and hard asIcould, but it didn’t help at all.Firstof all, it wasn’t nearly thick enough.Andsecond, it felt cold and hard andwronginside me.Itjust wasn’t whatIneeded.
Bythe timeKurtcame to pick me up for that night’s tryst at the penthouse,Iwas beginning to feel likeImight be going crazy.Mywhole body was begging to be touched…tasted…filled…fucked.Andthere was nothingIcould do to help myself.Evenmasturbating only seemed to make the problem worse because the moreIcame, the hornierIgot and the emptierIfelt inside.
Inoticed bothKurtand theAlphaguard wrinkling their noses and sniffing the air whenIgot into theEscaladewith them.Ipaid them no attention, though.EvenwhenKurtasked ifIfelt all right,Isnapped,
“Justhurry up, will you?”
Heshrugged and kept driving butIthoughtIsaw him exchange a knowing glance with theAlphaguard—not thatIcared.
Theminute the door to the penthouse apartment opened,Ithrew myself intoCole’swaiting arms.Hiseyes grew wide behind the mask as he saw the stateIwas in.
“Lilah, what is it?” he asked, forgetting himself and using my name instead of calling me “little sister.” “What’swrong?”Hisnose wrinkled and he sniffed the air “Yourscent has changed.”
“Idon’t know what’s wrong with me!”Imoaned, pressing my face against his chest.Breathingin his warm, spicy scent seemed to calm my nerves. “I’mjust soachyinside.Andlook at this!”
Ipulled open my blouse and pulled down my bra, whichIhad been forced to stuff withKleenexto keep the amber liquid from leaking through and making more wet spots.
Colecupped my breasts in his big hands and frowned when he saw the honey-colored droplets forming on my tight tips.
“Hangon, that’s not…”Frowning, he bent down and swiped at one of my nipples with his tongue.Helicked his lips and frowned. “It’ssweet.Lilah,Ithink you might be making nectar.Letme see for sure.”
Leaningdown again, he sucked my nipple deep in his mouth and drew hard on it, just as he had been for the past several nights.
Imoaned and arched my back—it felt sogoodto have him draw the amber liquid from my breasts, which had begun to feel swollen and too full, just as my pussy felt increasingly empty.Histongue seemed to soothe my aching nipple somehow—it felt much less tender when he was done.
WhenColefinally straightened up again, there was a grim look on his face.
“It’sjust whatIthought, baby—your breasts are making nectar.Ithink you may be going intoHeat.”
“What?ButIcan’t be—I’mtoo old!”Iprotested.MostWeregirls get their firstHeatCyclewhen they’re still teenagers—Iwas years older than that.
Coleshook his head.