Page 38 of Forbidden Desire
“Idon’t know…you made me come so hardI’mkind of dizzy,” she admitted.
“Justrelax for a while and let me hold you,”Imurmured, pulling her closer.Iloved the feel of her soft, curvy body pressed against mine.Iran my hands up and down her arms and sides and back, enjoying the feeling of her silky skin and trying to warm her up at the same time.
“Mmm, thank you, big brother,” she murmured, looking up at me gratefully. “Itfeels so good when you touch me.And…and when you tasted me,” she added shyly. “It’skind of embarrassing but it…it felt really good when you, uh, licked me there.”
“Youdon’t have to be embarrassed to admit you like having your pussy licked, baby,”Itold her. “Anymale who’s worth his salt will be happy to lick your sweet little pussy for you to get you ready to take his cock deep inside you.”
Shebit her lip and shifted against me.
“Cole…” she said and then hesitated.
“Whatis it, baby?”Ilooked down at her, feeling worried.Despitethe intense orgasmI’dgiven her, her scent was still hot and needy, soIwasn’t surprised by what she said next.
“It’swhat…what you said about getting ready to…to take a cock inside me—inside my pussy,Imean,” she said at last. “Ifeel ready to do that now—morethan ready.Ijust feel so…soemptyinside.”
Ifrowned in concern asIlooked at her but she must have taken my expression the wrong way because she said,
“I’msorry, big brother.IknowIshouldn’t talk like that.It’sjust that, well…ithurts.”
“Iknow, baby—I’mnot angry at you,”Itold her quickly. “It’sjust that we’re getting awfully close to breaking theUnbreakableLawhere.”
Shegot a mutinous look on her pretty face.
“Idon’t care about that stupid law!”Sheinsisted. “Wedon’t have any blood relation between us!Youshould be able to breed me if you want to!”
“IwishIcould do more than breed you baby…IwishIcould have you as my mate,”Iadmitted, stroking her cheek.
Herlovely, mismatched eyes grew wide.
“Oh,Cole—really?BecauseIfeel the same way about you!”
“Iknow you do—otherwise you wouldn’t be offering to let me get you pregnant all the time,”Isaid dryly.
“Imean it though,” she protested. “Iwant you,Cole—asmorethan a big brother!Iwant your cock in my pussy—Iwant your baby in my belly!”
Icouldn’t help the rush of tenderness that came over me then.Delilahnever does anything halfway.Shealways rushes in headfirst, going for what she wants.Andthis time what she wanted wasme.
Butshe couldn’t have me—not that way.
“Wecan’t do that together—can’t be together that way,”Ireminded her. “AllIcan do is help you back down yourHeat—Ican’t actually breed you and plant my baby in you,Lilah.”
Shesighed and shifted against me restlessly.
“ButIkeep feeling hotter and hotter,Cole!Imean, my nipples and my, uh, inner pussy feel less swollen since you licked and sucked them, butIstill feel soemptyinside.”
Ifrowned, considering the options.Therewere several things we hadn’t tried yet…but they were getting very close to the line.
“Thereare only two thingsIcan think that might help—other than breeding you, whichIcan’t do,”Itold her. “One,Icould lick you again, but this time in myWolfform.”
“What?”Shewent pale and stiffened in my arms. “How…how would that help?”Sheasked in a faint voice.
“TheAlphacompounds in my saliva are much stronger in myFurForm,”Iexplained. “IfIlicked you again whenIwasShiftedor even partiallyShifted, it might help.”
Ofcourse, mostWeresaren’t able toShiftif it isn’t the full moon, but ourPackis different—we canShiftalmost any time of the month, though the further it gets from the full moon, the harder it is.However, we were only a day away from the full moon at that point, soIwould have foundShiftingextremely easy.
ButDelilahwas shaking her head.
“Please,Cole—not that,” she whispered. “Youknow how scaredIam of dogs and wolves.”