Page 39 of Forbidden Desire
“Iknow, baby.”Isighed and stroked her hair gently. “Butthe only other thing we can do isreallyclose to incest.”
“Tellme what it is,” she begged. “Please,Cole—let me have the choice.”
“Okaythen.”Itook a deep breath. “Thisemptiness you keep feeling inside—it’s your pussy asking to be stretched open and bred.Ithink it might help if you had something really thick inside you—stretching your inner walls—while you had another orgasm.Thatmight back theHeatdown to a manageable level.”
Shebit her lip.
“Somethingbig and thick…you mean like your cock, big brother?”
Inodded and looked into her eyes.
“That’sright,little sister,”Isaid, emphasizing our relationship to remind her of how close to breaking theUnbreakableLawwe were getting. “You’dhave to be willing to take your own big brother’s cock in your pussy.Notjust halfway this time—I’dneed to be all the way inside you,”Iadded sternly.
“Wouldyou fuck me?” she asked in a small voice.
Ishook my head.
“No—I’djust bottom out inside you and stay there until you came again.Feelingyour inner pussy being stretched all the way open and then clenching around anAlpha’scock while you come should help to back off theHeat.Butare you willing to go that far?”
Hernext question surprised me.
“Will…willIstill be a virgin if we do that?” she asked.
“Well…Iwon’t be fucking you or coming in you, baby.Justfilling you up.Soyes,Ithink you can still call yourself a virgin…if you want to.”
“Idon’t really care ifIam or not,”Delilahsaid. “Ijust want you to be the first one in my pussy…all the way inside me,Cole.”
“Ican be…if that’s what you really want, baby.”Istroked a curl out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. “Itjust depends on how you feel about having your own big brother’s cock buried in your pussy.Andit won’t be for just a short time, either,”Iwarned her. “Youmay have to come several times whileI’mall the way inside you.Soit’s not just in and out—I’llhave to have my cock all the way inside you for a long time.You’llhave to submit to me and let me fill you untilIthink yourHeatis backed down enough for me to pull out.”
Shenibbled her lower lip and then nodded.
“That’sall right, big brother,” she murmured. “Idon’t mind if you have to be in me for a long time.Ijust want to feel your big cock in my pussy, stretching me open.”
“You’llhave to hold still,”Iwarned her. “Iwon’t lie—I’mfuckingachingto fuck you and come in you baby—but if we do that, we’ll be breaking theUnbreakableLaw.SoonceI’min you, you’ll need to be a good girl and not move around or fuck yourself on my cock.Canyou do that?”
“I…Ithink so,” she said softly. “Butmaybe…maybe you’d better be on top of me, so you can pin me down and be sureIdon’t move.”
“Isthat how you want it for your first time being filled?”Iasked, looking down at her. “I’ma big guy,Lilah.Youwant me on top of you and all the way inside you?”Ihad thought that maybe she would rather be on top, riding me, so she wouldn’t feel scared.Butshe nodded her head.
“Yes,Cole—that’s whatIwant.”Shescooted out of my arms and lay back on the bed.Spreadingher thighs, she looked up at me. “I’mready, big brother,” she said softly. “Youcan…can put yourself inside me now.Youcan fill my pussy with your cock.”
Myheart was pounding asIlooked up atCole, offering myself to him completely.Ihad never felt so hot and needy before.Theway he had licked and sucked me had helped, butIstill felt so empty insideIached…andIknew the only thing that would help was having his thick shaft all the way inside me, stretching my pussy to the limit.
SoIlay back and opened myself for him, waiting to see what he would do.
Colegot off the bed and at firstIthought he had decided we couldn’t do this—that it was too close to breaking theUnbreakableLaw.Iwanted to cry in protest but he must have seen the look on my face because he reassured me.
“Hangon just a minute, baby,” he told me. “Ijust want to get this suit off.IfI’mgoing to be inside you,Iwant to feel you against me too.”
Ifelt reassured then.Irolled on my side and propped myself up on one elbow asIwatched my big brother undress.