Page 42 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 42 of Forbidden Desire

“Shouldn’thave come in you at all,”Colesaid, frowning. “IthoughtIcould hold out—thoughtIcould fill your sweet little cunt without shooting inside you, even while you were coming on my cock.IguessIwas wrong.”

“Youonly shot alittleinside my pussy,”Isaid, though we both knew more than just a little of his cum was currently dripping out of me. “Andyou only put your knothalfwayinside me—the head of your cock didn’t even go all the way into my womb.”

“Ishouldn’t have put my knot in you at all,”Colewas clearly still angry with himself. “Ijust wanted to feel your sweet little pussy taking me all the way in—just once.”

“Iwanted to feel that too, big brother,”Iadmitted softly. “Andit felt really good—having your cock so deep in my pussy and your knot inside me.IwishIhad a breeding bump by you right now.”Iput my hand on my lower belly where a breeding bump would appear if he gave me one.

Coleshook his head.

“Youdon’t really mean that,Lilah.Youdon’t really want to get pregnant by your own big brother.”

“Yes,Ido!”Iprotested. “Besides, there’s no blood tie between us,Cole!It’sjust that stupid law keeping us apart.Idowant you to knot me—all the way this time—and fill my pussy with your seed and my womb with your baby.”Ilooked up at him pleadingly. “Please,Cole—do it.Knotme again.Andthis time, breed me all the way.”

Coleopened his mouth to answer, but before he could a new voice rang out in the silence.

“Soyou knotted your own little sister!”Theangry voice came from the door of the bedroom. “Ishould have known you weren’t fit to be ourPackmaster!”

ColeandIboth gasped and jerked our heads around.Standingthere in the doorway to the bedroom was anAlphaWereabout myDad’sage.Hehad narrow, shifty eyes and he was going bald up top, which is unusual for aWere.

“Rickter?”Colebristled at once and moved to hide my naked body with his own much larger form. “WhattheHellare you doing here?” he demanded.

“Ithink a better question might be, what areyoudoing here,Packmaster?”Ricktersnapped. “Ithought something must be going on between you and your little sister when you refused to evenconsidermating her to anotherWere!Nowwe know the truth—you didn’t want her with another male because you’ve been breeding her yourself!You’vebeen breaking theUnbreakableLawwith your own little sister!”

“No,Ihaven’t!”Coleinsisted. “Iwas just trying to help her back down herHeatCycle!Iwasn’t breeding her!”

“Thenwhy is she dripping with your seed?”Rickterdemanded, pointing at me. “You’vebeen breeding your own sister,Cole—and now you’ll have to pay for it!Gethim!”

Theselast words were spoken not to us, but to the maleWeresbehind him.Irecognized at least one of them as one of theAlphaguards who had been standing outside my door whileIwas on house arrest.

Buteven two against one, they wouldn’t have been a match forCole, who was truly huge.Growlingangrily, he lunged at them.Butbefore he could reach them,Rickterstepped forward and sprayed him in the face with something from a can.Iheard the hiss of the aerosol release and then my big brother staggered and dropped to his knees.

“Cole?Cole!”Igasped, reaching out for him.

Buthe was already falling over.Isaw with panic that his eyes were rolled up to show the whites as his big body slumped to the floor.

“No!”Icried.Nearlyfalling off the bed in my haste,Irushed to his side. “Cole, no!Please, don’t be dead!Please!”

“He’snot dead,” the baldingAlphanamedRicktersaid.HenudgedCole’slimp body with one toe disdainfully. “Deathwould be too easy for him.Hestill has to answer for his crimes.”

“Whatcrimes?Coledidn’t commit any crimes!”Iprotested.ThoughIhated to do it,Icould feel myself starting to cry. “Leavehim alone!Justleave us both alone!”

“I’mafraidIcan’t do that, my dear,”Ricktersaid loftily. “Asacting head of theProvisionalCouncil,Imust be sure that your brother is punished for the evil he has committed with you, his very own sister.”Heeyed me speculatively. “Nowof course if you were to testify that he wasforcinghimself on you at his trial, then you could probably escape judgment yourself.”

“Colewasn’t forcing me—-he was helping me!”Ispat at him angrily. “Andyou can’t put him on trial!Hedidn’t’ do anything wrong!”

“I’mafraid he did.Andwe have the evidence right here.Boys—hold her whileItake some pictures,” he ordered.

BeforeIcould fight or run, the twoAlphashad me by my arms and legs.Theyforced me back on the bed, spread eagle, whileRickterpulled out his phone and began taking pictures of my naked, cum-smeared body.

“Spreadher legs wider,” he ordered. “Iespecially want some shots of theformerPackmaster’scum dripping out of his little sister’s pussy.”

Ifought and struggled and cried, butIwas no match for two full grownAlphaWeres.Sothere was nothingIcould do to stop them from spreading my thighs as wide as possible so the horribleRicktercould kneel between my legs and take close-up shots of my pussy, dripping withCole’scum.

Mybig brother must have shot more inside me than either of us thought, though, because when theAlphasspread me wide, a gush of cream came out of my pussy mouth, just as the phone’s camera was clicking.

“Excellent,”Ricktersaid at last, andIsaw him rubbing his cock through his trousers with one hand as he held the phone with the other. “Theseareexcellentshots.I’msure the rest of theCouncilwill agree with me that you both must be punished for such disgusting crimes!”

Helooked at theAlphas.

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