Page 43 of Forbidden Desire
“Gether in the shower and clean her up.Thenwe’re transporting these two to thePackGrounds.Tomorrowis a full moon night and they will both be judged.”
TheAlphaswatched me in the shower, even thoughIturned my back to them.Iguess they thought a girl who would let her own big brother fuck her didn’t deserve any privacy.
Atleast they didn’t try to touch me.Idon’t know if it was becauseIwas thePackmaster’slittle sister, or ifRickterhad told them to leave me alone.Eitherway,Iwas grateful not to have to feel their hands on me again.
Theylet me get toweled off—though they refused to let me put my clothes back on.
“Ohno, my dear,”Ricktersaid whenIangrily demanded to get dressed. “Youmust bear the shame of being naked for what you have done.You’reluckyIlet you wash your brother’s cum off your skin,” he added, sneering at me.
“Andjust how exactly do you intend to get me anywhere completely nude without anyone noticing?”Idemanded. “We’reright in the middle of downtownTampa!”
“Ohdon’t worry aboutthatmy dear,” he said condescendingly. “Thepenthouse level has an elevator that goes all the way down to the parking garage and we have a van waiting for the two of you.”Hepulled a gun and held it to my head. “Nowwe’re all going to go quietly to the elevator and out to the van andI’mnot going to have any trouble with you,amI?”
Ishrank away from him, feeling my blood run cold.
“You…you wouldn’t dare shoot me!I’mthePackmaster’ssister!”
“Notfor long, you won’t be,”Ricktersnapped. “OncetheCouncilhears what we caught him doing to you, he’ll be demoted and most probably exiled for his disgusting actions!”
“What?No!Youcan’t do that toCole!”Iexclaimed. “Noneof this is his fault.Hewas just trying to help me with myHeat!”
“Helpyou by knotting and breeding you?Ithink not,”Ricktersneered.Hejabbed the gun at me. “Nowmove!”
Wemade our way to the elevator,Rickterholding the gun on me the entire time and the twoAlphascoming after us, luggingCole’slimp body.Oneof them had him under the arms and the other was holding his feet, but he was a big guy and obviously very heavy.Icould tell they were struggling, despite theirAlphastrength.
Ikept wishing that my big brother would wake up and fight them—Iknew he would win in a fair fight—but he remained unconscious.WhateverRickterhad sprayed him with, it must be extremely strong.Iwondered if it might haveWolf’sBanein it, which is poisonous toWeres.
Ithought about running—even with the gun to my head.Ithought about trying to distractRickterfor a minute soIcould get a head start.ButIcouldn’t leaveColebehind.Ididn’t know where they were taking us becauseIhad never been to thePackGroundsbefore.SoIstayed with my brother and didn’t try to run.
Theyshoved us both into the back of a windowless, unmarked van and slammed the doors behind us.IheardRicktertelling theAlphasto drive us to thePackGroundsand saying he would meet them later.Thenhe said something else which made my blood run cold.
“Besure you don’t touch the sister—Iknow she’s a tempting little package but she’s going to be made available to everyone during theChoosingCeremonytomorrow night so wait until then to fuck her.”
TheChoosingCeremony?Justthe thought made my blood run cold.SinceIhad grown up as a dud,Ihad never had to worry thatIwould be forced to undergo that barbaric ritual.Yet, it happened to everyWerebitch in ourPack—when a bitch went intoHeat, she was tied to theChoosingRockand all theAlphasin thePackhad a turn filling her pussy until she felt the one she wanted to be her mate and submitted to his knot to let him breed her.
ButIdidn’t want anyAlphain the pack exceptCole!Andeven though theUnbreakableLawswere relaxed in ourPackduring theChoosingCeremony,Ididn’t know if they would be relaxed enough to allow for a big brother to breed and mate with his own little sister.
Usuallyit was just cousins and second cousins who were allowed to mate that way.ThoughIhadheard of an uncle and a niece getting together during herChoosingCeremonyonce—it had been kind of a scandal and had been hushed up.Shortlyafterwards, the two of them had moved away to a differentPackwhere no one knew them.
Thesewere the kinds of thingsIthought about asIwas stuck in the back of the van.AtleastIwasn’t tied up, soIwas able to get toCole.Hewas sprawled on his back, still out cold.Iput his head on my lap to keep him from getting hurt as the van drove us to our final destination.
Idon’t know how far away thePackGroundswere but they were a fair piece.Itwas over two hours later when the van finally pulled off the main road.Itjounced down a dirt road for a while and finally came to a stop.
Iwas shivering by that time.Thoughit’s usually hot and humid inTampa, this wasFebruary—one of our few chilly months—and it felt like a cold front was moving in from up north.Mybare skin was covered in goosebumps by the time the back of the door opened.
“Allright, everybody out,” theAlphaguard growled as he swung the door wide. “Ladiesfirst,” he added, frowning at me.
“NotuntilI’msure you won’t hurt my big brother!”Isaid, lifting my chin to glare at him.
Hisfrown deepened.
“Youand your brother will be judged soon enough.Rightafter theChoosingCeremony, in fact.”
Themention of theChoosingCeremonymade my blood run cold again.Theidea of being tied and helpless, my legs spread on that cold rock asAlphaafterAlphacame up behind me in their partiallyShiftedforms and thrust their huge cocks inside me was terrible.Butat the same time, my breasts were full and aching with nectar and my pussy was beginning to feel empty and needy all over again—just as thoughColehad never filled me and partially knotted me at all!