Page 47 of Forbidden Desire
“Cole, wait—you’re poking me!”Iprotested, wiggling.
“Sorry, baby.Ican’t help getting hard when you smell so hot,” he growled. “Idon’t know what else to do, especially when neither of us has any clothes to wear to keep it from happening.”
“Putit between my legs,”Isuggested. “Notinsideme,”Iadded when he started to protest. “Just, you know, between my thighs.Thatway we can get closer and it won’t be poking me.”
“Well…all right.Wejust have to be careful it doesn’t slip inside you again,”Colegrowled.
Ilifted my leg and he pushed his thick cock between my thighs.Icould feel it pressing against my pussy lips andIached to have him inside me again butIknew he didn’t want that.Witha sigh,Ipressed back against him and tried to be still.
Ithink we drifted off for a while—IknowIdid, becauseIhad the strangest dreams.IdreamedIwas tied to theChoosingStoneon my knees with my ankles bound wide apart soIcouldn’t shut my legs.Icould feel something huge coming up behind me…something huge and hairy which growled in my ear even as it positioned itself between my legs.
“Takeit deep,” the growling voice which was somehow familiar told me. “Kneelbefore me—submit to my knot in your pussy!”
Inmy dream,Idid as he said.SomehowIknew he wasn’t the first…other hairy beasts had come up behind me to fill me with their cocks.Butthis one was special—though he wasn’t the first, he would definitely be the last—the one thatIchose.
Inmy dream he filled me, thrusting upwards to find the mouth of my womb with the head of his cock and then sliding even deeper as his huge shaft stretched my inner walls to their limit and beyond…
Iwoke with a little gasp to find that the dream was just a dream andIwas achingly empty.Weakwinter sunlight was filtering through the small window on the other side of the room.Itried to remember the past few hours…talking withCole, trying to get out but the silver chain kept us in, even with his great strength…then cuddling together on the mattress while he tried to warm me up.
Iwas still chilly, but at least my big brother’s body heat was keeping me from freezing.Itwas a good thing we were inFlorida,Ireflected—if we were further north in a much colder state,Iwould have been a block of ice by now.
SpeakingofCole, he seemed fast asleep but his cock was still hard.Icould feel it between my thighs, the broad head rubbing against my pussy mound as it stuck out from between my legs.
Suddenlythe emptiness inside me seemed too much to bear.Icouldn’t help thinking that if onlyIcould feel him rubbing against me,Iwould feel better—maybe not as empty inside.Andreally, what could it hurt when he’d already been so far inside me earlier?
Tryingto be subtle,Itilted my hips a little bit and parted my thighs a tiny bit, allowing just the broad head to slip into my wet folds.Thefeeling of the wide tip rubbing his precum into my inner pussy felt amazing.Ihad been right—itdefinitelymade me feel better.ButIneededmore.
Carefully,Ibegan rubbing myself against him, hoping to let his cock get a little deeper into my folds.Everytime it slipped over my swollen clit, the feeling was electrical andIknewIneeded even more.
Ibegan rubbing against my big brother’s cock more freely—Iwanted to come—Iwassurethat would make me feel better.
Andthen it happened—Itilted my hips a bit too far and felt the broad, plum-shaped head breach my entrance and slip into the mouth of my pussy.
Ifroze for a moment, uncertain of what to do.Butit felt so good—soright.Thiswas whatIneeded—Iwas sure of it.Slowly,Ibegan backing against him, taking more of him inside me.
Coleseemed to like whatIwas doing, even in his sleep.Iheard him growl with sleepy pleasure and then he was helping me, thrusting his hips forward to slide more of his thick cock deep in my pussy.Itfelt so good to be so filled by him.Ikept telling myselfIwould stop butIkept wanting more and pushing back, trying to get just a tiny bit more and a tiny bit more…
“Lilah, what do you think you’re doing?”Cole’sdeep voice said in my ear.
Myheart, which had already been beating hard before,reallybegan to pound.Caughtred-handed—how couldIexplain this?
“I…um…”Iclosed my thighs quickly, but since he was still halfway buried inside me, it wasn’t likeIcould really hide my crime that way.
“Lilah,Iasked you a question?”Colegrowled in my ear. “Canyou tell me whyIjust woke up with my cock halfway inside my little sister’s pussy?”
“Ididn’t do it on purpose—not at first, anyway!”Iprotested. “Iwas just…just rubbing against you and the head slipped in.Iwould have tried to get it out again but it feels so good andIfeel so…soemptyinside!”
“Allright, all right.”Hesighed and stroked my hair. “You’reHeatis really bad, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is—itreallyis!”Imoaned. “Please,Cole—can’t we just stay this way for a little while.Ithink it helps my pussy to have something to hold onto.”
“I’msure it does—only that ‘something’ really shouldn’t be your big brother’s cock,” he said dryly. “Ishould stop and let anotherAlphatake care of you—not thatIwant to,” he added, mostly to himself.
“Butthere are noAlphasbut you around now andIfeel likeI’mgoing crazy!”Imoaned. “Please,Cole—you have to help me!Don’tpull out of me—please!”
“Allright, all right, baby—Iwon’t pull out of you,” he soothed me. “Infact,I’llpush all the way in if you think that would help.Butthen we have to lay still—Idon’t want to knot you again.”
“Allright,I’llbe still,”Iagreed.