Page 48 of Forbidden Desire
Colelifted my leg and—with a long, deep thrust—seated his cock all the way inside my pussy.
“Mmm, big brother!”Imoaned asIfelt the broad head kiss the mouth of my womb. “Thatfeels sogood.”
“Feelsgood to me too, baby,”Colerumbled. “Bestill now, okay.Justlay here with me.”
Itried to do as he said, butIcouldn’t help working my hips…just a little bit.Iwanted so much to feel more of him in me—to feel his knot filling the mouth of my pussy and the head of his cock slipping into my womb.
AsIgot him a little further into me,Icould feel that strange flower unfurling sensationI’dhad earlier—the feeling that the mouth of my womb was opening like another pair of lips to suck at the head of his cock.
“Lilah, what are you doing?”Coleasked, andIcould hear the frown in his voice. “Areyou fucking yourself on me?Fuckingyour pussy on my cock?”
“Only…only a little,”Imoaned, rolling my hips some more. “I’msorry,Cole—Ijust feel likeIneedmore.Ifyou won’t knot me, will you at least come in me?That’snot so bad is it, just shooting a little cum in my pussy?”
Colebarked a laugh.
“Right—coming in my little sister’s pussy isn’t so ‘bad.’Lilah, isn’t that what you told meRicktertook pictures of to show to theCouncil?”
“Well, you have to dosomethingto help me,Cole!”Iexclaimed. “I’minHeatandI’mgoing crazy—just having you in me isn’t enough anymore!”
“I’mnotgoing to come in you,”Colesaid firmly. “Whatyou need are more of myAlphacompounds to help back down yourHeat.”
“Butlast time you licked me and made me come that way it only made things worse!”Iprotested.
“Notthe compoundsImake with my human mouth,” he said. “I’mtalking about licking you whenI’mpartiallyShifted—my compounds are much stronger in myFurForm.”
Ifelt myself freeze andIcouldn’t help remembering theAlphaguard’s story about breeding his little sister when she went into heat.Hehad claimed that he had shifted right inside of her—that he’d gone from his human form to hisFurFormwhile his cock was buried in her pussy.Wasthat whatColeintended to do?
“Are…are you goingShiftinside of me?”Iasked in a small voice.
“Shiftinside of you?”Colesounded like he was frowning. “No, baby—why wouldIdo that to you?”
“Idon’t know.Because…because that guardIwas telling you about—that’s what he said he did to his sister.”
“Iwouldn’t do that to you,”Coleassured me. “Yourlittle pussy is still really tight around my human cock—Iwouldn’t suddenly double it in size whileIwas in you.Thatwould be cruel.”
“ButifIgo through theChoosingCeremony,I’dhave to take a lot of cocks that size inside me,”Ipointed out.
“Yes, but yourHeatwould be at its peak by then,”Colesaid soothingly. “Andsome say there’s a kind of magic in theChoosingStonetoo—a kind ofenergy.Ithelps females open up for the partiallyShiftedAlphas.It’sone reason we started fucking in partiallyShiftedform to start with,Ithink.”
Ididn’t know about any of that, butIdid knowIfelt relieved that he wasn’t planning to shift to hisFurFormwhile we were still so intimately connected.
“I’mgoing to pull out of you and thenI’mgoing to do a partialShift,”Coletold me. “Iknow you’re scared of wolves, but remember—no matter howIlook, it will still be me.Justlook in my eyes, they’ll still be human.”
“Areyousureyou couldn’t just fuck me and come in me instead?”Iasked pleadingly.
Icould feelColeshaking his head.
“No, baby.Youneed strongerAlphacompounds to help you back down yourHeat.Besides, you need to get used to seeing me in myFurForm.I’llneed toShiftifI’mgoing to fight our way out of here—Idon’t have enough of an advantage in my human form.”
“Well…all right,”Isaid at last.
“Goodgirl,”Colemurmured, giving me a sweet hug. “NowI’mgoing to pull out and thenI’llShift.”
“Canyou do it with the sun still in the sky, though?”Iasked doubtfully.
“That’spart of the power of ourPack—we’re able toShiftat any time of the day and any time of the month—though it’s easier near the full moon,” he told me. “Allright now, here goes.”
Slowly, he pulled his long thick cock out of my pussy and then moved away from me.Icould have cried from the loss of sensation—Ineeded something thick filling me andIfelt horribly empty when he was gone.