Page 49 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 49 of Forbidden Desire

“Turnaround now,”Coletold me. “Youneed to see this—need to watch meShift.”

Ididn’t want to, butIknew he was right—Ineeded to try to get over my fear of wolves and dogs soIcould accept hisFurFormas well as his human form.

Colegot on his hands and knees and for a moment nothing happened.Thenthere was a shimmering all over him and everything seemed to happen at once.

Isaw his face lengthen into a muzzle and his ears move up to the top of his head.Theygot longer and pointier and so did his nose.Atthe same time, black fur the same color as the hair on his head sprouted all over his body.Also, his knees bent backwards in a way that seemed like it had to be painful and his hands and feet became paws.

Allof this happened in less time than it takes to tell it.Oneminute my big brother was there on the mattress and the next momentIwas faced with an enormous black wolf the size of a small horse.

“OhmyGod!”Iwhispered as my panic response started to kick in.Ifelt my heart banging against my ribs like it was trying to get out and run away and my palms were suddenly sweaty and cold.AllIcould think about was the wolfdog launching itself at me whenIwas a little girl, its golden eyes crazy with the desire to rip my throat out…

Andthen the wolf spoke.

“It’sall right, baby,” he said and his voice wasCole’s, only deeper and growlier. “Everythingis all right—it’s still me,” he told me.

“C-cole?”Iwhispered, forcing myself to speak.Iknew cognitively that the enormous animal in front of me was my big brother, but it was really hard to make my heart believe what my brain knew was true.

“Lookinto my eyes,” theWolfsaid. “It’sme, baby.It’sall me—this is just myFurForm.”

Imade myself look up from his enormous paws to his face.Sureenough, his eyes were still human—still the pale, piercing blue thatIknew so well.Itseemed strange to see human eyes in a wolf’s face, but it was comforting as well.

“Cole,”Isaid again, this time as a statement of fact, not a question.

“Yes,Lilah,” he growled softly. “Comehere to me now—don’t be afraid.I’llbe very,verystill soIdon’t scare you.”

Justbeing in the same space with such an enormousWolfscared me, but hearing my big brother’s voice come from his mouth and seeing my brother’s eyes looking back at me gave me some confidence.Takinga deep breath,Itook a step towards him with one hand outstretched.

It’sCole—it’s justColein hisFurForm,Itold myself.Ireminded myself that it was my big brother—the one who had loved and cared for me and protected me for so many years.TheWolfwas actually the manIloved…nowIjust had to learn to love him in a new form.

Idon’t thinkIcould have overcome my panic response and my phobia if it hadn’t been for his scent.ThecloserIgot, the moreIsmelled it—spicy and masculine and entirelyCole.TheenormousWolfsmelled like safety and comfort…he smelled likehome.Takingdeep, trembling breathsIwalked towards him untilIwas standing right in front of him.

“Good…that’s good, baby,”Colemurmured in his deep, growly voice. “Nowtouch me.Iwon’t move—just touch my fur.”

Idid as he said, reaching out a hand to touch the fur on his neck.Hisruff was thick and full andIwas surprised at how soft it was.

“Oh,”Imurmured. “You’reso soft…and so warm.”

“I’malways warmer in myFurForm,”Coletold me. “Comea little closer, baby—give me a hug soIcan warm you up.”

Icouldn’t believeIwas doing this, butIdid as he said and stepped closer.Somehowall my fear seemed to be melting away, mainly becauseIcould hear my beloved big brother’s voice and see his eyes as theWolflooked at me.Italso helped that he was still lying perfectly still on the mattress, not moving a bit.

Iknelt on the mattress in front of him, which put our heads more or less level.Tentatively,Ileaned forward and put my arms around theWolf’sfurry neck and hugged him.

AtonceIfelt warmer.Hisfur was so soft against my naked skin andIcould feel the heat radiating out from his big body.Hisscent was stronger here too—Ifelt completely enveloped by it and it was immensely comforting.

“Mmm, that’s nice, isn’t it?”Colemurmured.Henuzzled me gently, putting his big head over my shoulder affectionately.

“Yes…”Ihad to admit.Ifanyone had ever told meIwould be able to get over my phobia so quickly and with such a hugeWolf,Iwouldn’t have believed them.Butthis wasn’t just any regular animal wolf—it wasColeandIknew instinctively that he would always protect me and never hurt me.

Afterhugging him for a long time,Istarted to pull back…only to find thatIwas sticking to his fur—or at least, my breasts were.Itwas the sticky nectar leaking out of my nipples,Isaw.Mybreasts were filling again even thoughColehad sucked the nectar out not that long ago.

“Oh,I’mgetting you all sticky—I’msorry,”Isaid, blushing asItried to extricate myself.WhenIfinally got loose,Istarted to cover my breasts with my arms butColesaid,

“No, baby—don’t hide yourself.Thisis one of the reasonsIwanted toShift—let me lick you.MyAlphacompounds are stronger in this form.”

Bitingmy lip,Iheld still and watched as his long pink tongue came out to curl around my breasts and nipples one by one.Hetook his time licking away the sticky nectar but it didn’t hurt.Infact,Ifelt like it was helping—after he finished licking away the nectar, the swelling in my breasts seemed to go down and my nipples turned a lighter shade of pink.

“There—Ithink that’s better,”Colesaid at last, tilting his head to one side to examine my breasts. “Doesit feel better?”

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