Page 50 of Forbidden Desire
“Much,”Iadmitted. “But, well…I’mstill feeling really achy and empty inside—between my legs,Imean.”
Colenodded his shaggy head.
“Iknow, baby.I’llhave to lick you there too.Canyou be good and let me?”
Inibbled my lip again.
“Idon’t know,Cole.Itseems weird to let an animal, er, lick methere.”
“I’mnotan animal,” he said sternly. “It’sstill me—your big brother—just in myFurForm.Ican reason andIcan talk—animals aren’t capable of either of those things.”
“Okay,I’msorry.”Ireached out to stroke his fur again. “Don’tbe mad, it’s just going to take a little getting used to—seeing you like this,Imean.”
“Iknow, baby.”Hisvoice was softer, though still growly. “You’redoing great,” he told me. “I’mso proud of you.Nowcan you be a good girl and let me lick you inside to spread myAlphacompounds and make you feel better?”
“I…Ithink so.”Inodded and spread my legs.ButColemade a low sound of negation in the back of his throat.
“No,Lilah—come lay on the mattress,” he told me. “Laydown in front of me and spread your legs.Letme lick you properly.”
Icouldn’t believeIwas doing it, but by now my pussy felt so empty and achy thatIcould hardly stand it.Rememberinghow much better my breasts and nipples had felt afterColelicked them in hisFurForm,Idid as he said and lay down on the mattress in front of him.Then, still feeling somewhat awkward,Ispread my thighs open, baring my pussy for him.
Thelong pink tongue came out again andColelapped me from top to bottom, first licking away my honey from my thighs and outer pussy lips, which immediately began to feel less swollen.Thenhe looked up for a moment.
“That’sgood, baby—now spread your pussy lips for me soIcan lick inside you,” he directed.
“Er…you want me to…to spread myself open?”Ilooked up at him uncertainly.
“Idon’t have hands and fingers in myFurForm—just paws with claws,” he pointed out patiently. “Youhave to help me, baby.Iwant to be sureIlick you nice and deep so we can back down yourHeatCycle.”
Well, when he put it that way,Ididn’t see howIcould say no.Withtrembling fingers,Ireached between my thighs and spread my pussy open.Myinner folds were dark maroon and they felt achy and swollen—especially my throbbing clit.
“Good…that’s good, baby.Justhold yourself open,”Colemurmured in his deep, growling voice.Thenhis huge shaggy head lowered again and the long pink tongue began working on me once more.
ThistimeIcouldn’t hold completely still, because it felt so good.Colelapped from the bottom of my pussy all the way up my slit, his long tongue sliding expertly around my clit to ease the ache and the swelling.
“There,” he said at last, looking up. “Howdoes that feel, baby?”
“Much…much better,”Ipanted.Icouldn’t help wondering if it was wrong to get turned on when my big brother licked my open pussy this way.ButIhad gotten turned on and had come for him when he licked me in his human form,Iremembered.Andafter all, he was stillCole—just in hisFurForminstead.
Istarted to sit up butColestopped me.
“We’renot done yet, baby,” he told me sternly. “Youhave to let me lick inside you.UntilIspread myAlphacompounds all the way inside your pussy, you’re going to keep feeling empty and needy inside.”
“Oh…all right.”
Ilay back again and spread my legs for him once more.Hebent his shaggy head and began to lick me again.Hespent some time lapping my clit, which made me moan and squirm thoughIwas trying my best to hold still.Butthen he ducked lower andIfelt the long pink tongue sliding up inside me.
“Oh…Oh,Cole!”Igasped asIarched my back and tilted my hips to let him all the way inside me.Itfelt so good and not just because he was making the pain go away.Somehowhis tongue seemed to grow when it was in me—stretching my inner walls almost like his cock had when he had put it inside me earlier.Itgot bigger and bigger untilIwas sure it waslargerthan his cock had been in human form but it felt so goodIdidn’t complain.Itwas exactly whatIneeded—to feel my inner walls being stretched to the limit and beyond.
Atlast, after what felt like a long, long time,Cole’slong tongue withdrew and slid out of me.Ilay there panting, right on the edge.Ihad never felt anything like that before andIwas still trying to wrap my head around the experience which felt incredibly good, but was also still somewhat strange.
“Howdo you feel now, baby?”Coleasked. “Isthe needing less?Doyou feel less empty and achy inside?”
Ihad to lay there and let my pulse stop racing for a moment beforeIanswered, but after a little whileIwas able to nod.
“Yes,Ifeel a lot better,”Itold him. “Er, thank youCole.”
“You’rewelcome, baby.”Hebegan to shimmer, and suddenly the whole process reversed.Theblack fur disappeared, his ears moved down to the sides of his head, and his knees went back to bending the normal way.Hispaws became hands and feet and then he was human again—my big brother sitting on the mattress naked in front of me.