Page 39 of Out of Her Dreams
‘Certainly not.’Good thing she wasn’t a little wooden boy with a pointy nose, it’d be six foot long by now.
‘Don’t you want to know why you haven’t seen me?Why I haven’t been round every night taking you to dinner and wooing you with flowers and chocolates and non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice?’
If he could be sarcastic so could she and he would never know that a large part of her wished he’d been doing just that.‘I was hoping you’d seen the error of your ways and were distancing yourself so you could retract your crazy proposition.’
‘No such luck, Cally, not for you.’He moved closer.‘I’ve been in New York.I’ve got a lot of work on over there at the moment.’
‘Oh.’She looked at the ground.‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘Why didn’t you ask?’
She hadn’t, of course.Replaying all those phone calls now she knew he’d done the asking and she’d given him rude, monosyllabic replies.She hadn’t asked him a thing.
‘I’ve come straight from the airport.’
She looked at him properly.Saw the stubble, the hint of tiredness in his eyes.She frowned.‘Eleven is what time in New York?’
‘Seven p.m.While eight, is four a.m.there.Impressed with my devotion now?’
She flushed.
He pressed home his advantage.‘Seeing you’ve been missing me, and seeing you’ve clearly been doing silly things, I think you should move in tonight.’
‘We’re getting married, remember, Cally.You might as well move in with me now.’
‘No arguments.I’m tired.And I can’t trust you.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Climbing up onto swivel chairs with wheels on them?How is that in the best interest of our baby?It’s unbelievable.’
‘Blake, I’m pregnant, not incompetent.’
‘Sure.You look like hell.’
‘So do you,’ she flung straight back.Not quite true, but he certainly wasn’t his usual immaculate self.
‘We’ll sleep better together.’
‘I’m not sleeping with you.’The words were out bullet-speed, despite the twist of fire in her belly.She had to keep some control here—but her heart was skittering, her head spinning and everything inside was going soft.It was just as it had been that night at the auction: One look at him and she was practically panting.Not good, because he was the one calling all the shots and she knew if she slept with him again he’d have everything from her.She couldn’t let that happen.
‘Still fighting it, Cally?Fine.Not in my bed but under my roof.Tonight.I’ll pick you up from here, we’ll go to your place and you can pack a bag.’
‘I’ve got my car.I’ll come to you.’
‘I’ll meet you at your place and we’ll go together.’
He arrived ten minutes earlier than he’d said he would.She was already ready, but made a show of frowning and stalling and all the while melting on the inside with how gorgeous he looked and steaming up with her own weakness.They took his car.She sat and fiddled with the stereo, selecting music that was loud and made speech impossible.He drove in time to the fast beat and in complete control of the powerful engine.
‘Welcome home, Cally,’ he mocked as he flung open his front door.
‘Aren’t you going to carry me over the threshold?’she asked tartly.
His head tilted, danger flicked in his brows.‘I don’t think our touching is a very good idea right now, honey.Not unless you’re saying you’re ready for everything.’