Page 40 of Out of Her Dreams
For a long moment they stood staring deep into the other’s expression.Cally caught fast by the dark glitter in his eyes and the sensual half-curve of his lip.The lust swirling in her belly was almost enough to sway her towards him before she’d even thought about it.
She clenched everything—teeth, fists, pelvic floor—and forced her brain to keep working.Blake wanted her body—but not her heart.The trouble for Cally was that she suspected if she gave him the one, the other would follow—and soon.Then what hope would there be of making their marriage an equal partnership?He would always hold the advantage.
So she kept a tight rein on her muscles, turned and walked through ahead of him.From then she took great care not to get too close, ensured there was some furniture or decent amount of space between them.Not because she was afraid of him, but because her silly hormone-filled body wanted to be near him.Okay, it wanted to jump him.She didn’t look directly into his face again—except for once as he held a long glass of juice out to her.The intensity in his eyes was enough to make her beat a rapid retreat up to the bedroom he’d assigned to her, not sure who it was she was really punishing.
She slipped into bed and hoped sleep would claim her.But it refused to make an appearance.She listened with acute hearing to the sounds of Blake as he moved around the house.She was so attuned to him.The night stretched longer and longer and when she woke early the next day she was even more tired than when she’d slid between the sheets the night before.
Then she heard the gentle splash of water—Blake diving in and swimming, length after length.She’d spent the night with her balcony door open, enjoying the fresh air and being able to see the light of the moon on the sea.But it meant she also had a spectacular view of the pool.His strong body powered through the water—tanned and muscular and lithe.At first she tried to lie in bed, hiding under the covers, while he swam, but the images that played in her head were tormenting.So she got up and filled in some time by standing in the shower.Then, inevitably, she was drawn to stand near her balcony door, screened by the curtain she’d pulled almost to the side, and peek out.He was so extraordinarily beautiful.His body was honed to strong, muscular perfection, his broad chest dusted with wholly masculine hair that she could still feel rasping against her nipples as they’d moved together.His thighs were broad and strong and could easily take his weight and hers.She could still taste him.He’d tasted so good.
The sight of him rising out of the water almost did her in—the rush of desire racing through her.He hadn’t been kidding.He didn’t bother with shorts.And in the morning light, with the drops of water sparkling on him, he looked like the god of virility.Whatever happened to the idea that cold water caused shrinkage?
She had to have another shower—one with no hot water in the mix.
She took to the pool herself later in the morning, when he’d gone to work, when the sun beat down direct on the water, heating it even more than the gas.She hoped the exercise would help her sleep later—but her body wasn’t hankering for that sort of exercise.
Blake McKay was one pregnancy craving she couldn’t indulge in.
In the early afternoon she was just about to walk out the door when he walked in.
‘Where are you going?’
‘Who are you?My gaoler?’
He looked put out.‘It was just a question, Cally.This isn’t some prison.’
‘You think?I’m going to see the specialist.’
Impossibly he looked even more alert.‘I was going to ask you when you were next seeing him.’
Cally read the implacability and decided not to argue it—besides, he might learn a few things.
At first he sat silent, happy to listen while the doctor ran through some standard info.
‘With your condition there are slightly higher risks but—’
‘Condition?’Blake interjected.
The doctor looked surprised and looked to Cally for guidance.
‘He doesn’t know much about it.You explain it to him.’She sat back and half listened as the doctor talked to him about endometriosis.About the build-up of tissue, the pain it could cause—had caused—Cally, the possibility of needing surgery.
‘I hadn’t thought she’d be able to conceive without having that surgery first.’The doctor smiled.‘But, miracles do happen.’She eyed Blake speculatively.‘Cally came alone to confirm the pregnancy, but it’s great to have you here too.She’s going to need a good support person.’
The doctor’s glance rested on the unadorned fingers of her left hand.She looked at Blake and saw that he too had followed the direction of the doctor’s gaze.
‘I’m here for Cally,’ Blake said.‘We’re very excited.’And he gave Cally a smile that dazzled.But it was the tenderness in his eyes that shocked her into a startled jump on her seat.The smile sharpened and he reached his hand across and took hers firmly in his.
‘Well, I’m sure between the three of us we can take great care of Cally and her baby.’The doctor beamed.
At that Blake asked a bunch more questions about her condition and what it meant for the pregnancy.
‘There is a higher chance of miscarriage,’ the doctor admitted, ‘but it’s still a small percentage and there’s no reason to believe you’ll be in that.’She sent Cally a bracing smile.
It didn’t reassure her.Wasn’t there reason to believe she’d be in that group?Wasn’t she the queen of the minority percentile?