Page 18 of Born Evil
There is something different about her today, and it’s not just her appearance. It’s as if she has dressed in defiance and I don’t like it.
I say carefully, “I told you what I expect yesterday. What’s changed?”
She stares at me with a blank expression.
“Sir. If you require me to work outside of my contracted hours, we need to have a discussion and the contract amended with both parties agreeing to the new working hours. I would expect an increase in pay and an extra break in the day because working twelve hours a day may suit you, but I would never have taken the job on if that was expected.”
She shifts slightly and her hair falls from where she tucked it behind her ear, and she says with a slight sigh. “I understand if you would prefer to re-advertise the position, but I will require the usual one month’s pay if you terminate my contract.”
For a moment I just stare back at her, both of us trying not to let our emotion show and as I search deeper, I detect a vulnerability behind her eyes that she is trying hard to disguise. Something happened between last night and this morning that has turned her from a frightened girl into a strong woman, and I doubt it had anything to do with me.
So, I nod and lean back in my chair, staring at her with a hard expression before saying in a lighter tone. “I understand and agree to your terms.”
A flicker of surprise flares in her eyes and it makes me wonder if she wanted me to set her free. For some reason, that annoys me more than anything and I realize I need to change direction if this is going to work.
I attempt to soften my expression and say with a brief smile. “I admire your stand, Laura, and please accept my apology.”
She appears surprised. “Apology?”
I nod. “I forget sometimes that I’m a belligerent bastard who expects more from his employees than they are willing to give. I’m sorry.”
She blinks and I immediately sense the tension leave the room and I smile, an act that makes her stare a little longer.
“Let’s start again. I agree to your terms. Now, I have a meeting across town at eleven. I need you to accompany me.”
“Should I get your coffee to go?” She raises her eyes and I shake my head. “We’ll get one on the way.”
This time I don’t wave her off and instead extend my hand to hers.
“Welcome to Remington Industries Laura Kincaid.”
As her soft hand closes inside mine, I stare into her eyes that have softened from the hard glare she directed my way a few minutes ago.
“Thank you for the opportunity, sir.” She says firmly and as I drop my hand, she smiles.
“I’ll get back to work.”
She turns and walks away, and I fucking hate the way I check out her ass as she moves elegantly toward the door. Fuck, this woman will be the death of me and that is almost certain to be literally.
Something snapped inside me last night when the aptly named Adonis told me everything. It was as if he was talking about another person entirely and I’m still not sure if I believe a word he said.
One word makes my heart race and my palms sweat, no matter how hard I try to forget it. Mafia.
It was as if my world imploded on the breath of a single word and left me reeling.
He must be mistaken. Surely, he’s talking about somebody else.
My mind was blown and I’m not even sure I remember the journey home, but when he left me, it was with the promise he would always be here for me. If I need him, I call, and he will come. My own personal protection of the most violent kind.
Now I know what he is. He is one of them. A man with no morals, principles, or conscience. I could tell from the desolation in his eyes and the hard edge to his voice. He is as damned as the rest of them and it’s a world I want no part in.
I almost never came in today and went to ask for my old job back instead. I don’t want to be here, and I don’t want to be used by any of them, but there is something inside me that wants tofight for the truth. To discover my heritage and then consider the facts.
That will have to wait, though, because Adonis told me I was to carry on in ignorance. Not to google anything that would raise suspicions. To act innocent and yet be armed with the truth.