Page 19 of Born Evil
He promised to visit me later to go over the details and more than anything, I want to curl up into a ball and shut the fucking lot of them out. I am Laura Kincaid, a normal girl. Not some mafia princess under threat and a target for revenge.
It’s giving me a headache and I desperately want to talk it out with my friends. The fact I was warned against speaking to anyone had me howling with frustration into my pillow. I am on my own—literally, with only the mythical bad boy Adonis to confide in. the trouble is, he is probably using me too and once again I wish like crazy I had never left my job.
The dogs would hear me out. Understand every word I say and offer a gentle lick of commiseration for my woes and a wag of their tails for encouragement. How I miss the crazy little fellas and I am longing to bury my troubles in their soft, warm, furry bodies.
My life now officially sucks, and it doesn’t appear to be getting better anytime soon.
Luckily, I have more work than I possibly cope with, and I bury myself in it. Learning the ropes and trying to make order of my day. Eleven o’clock soon comes around and as the door to Troy’s office swings open, my heart jumps as well as my body.
“We’re leaving.”
As usual, pleasantries have no place in his life and I scurry after him into the elevator, for the first time registering it is rather small.
He is way too close for my liking, and I can almost feel the caress of his touch as his hand brushes against mine as he leans across and presses for the ground floor.
I try so hard to picture him as Shrek. It almost makes me laugh, picturing him as an ogre, which is the best description I can give him.
“Is something amusing you?” He leans against the wall of the elevator, and I swear his gaze alone sends ripples of pleasure through my unused sexual libido.
“Nothing or something that concerns me.”
“Why would it concern you?” Wow, the arrogance of the man.
“Because if it didn’t, you would be only too happy to tell me.”
“In your opinion.” I shrug. “I may not think you’d be interested and as it’s only my second day, I’m trying to make a good impression.”
“You could have fooled me.”
“Excuse me?” I stare at him in confusion, and he smirks. “Laying out your demands like a petulant child doesn’t impress me much. What does is your strength in delivering them?”
I blink in astonishment because how does he tear me apart with one sentence and make me like him again with the next?
The elevator stops and we prepare to leave, and he whispers over his shoulder, “I like your dress, by the way.”
As he walks off, I almost trip over my feet, following him. My mind is all over the place because I really want to hate and detest this man, but there is something about him that makes me seek his approval, like one of my dogs pleading for a treat. Fuck my life. I am officially screwed.
We head to my waiting car, and as Carlton opens the door, Laura smiles graciously. “Thank you.”
Her warm smile lights up her eyes and his response irritates the shit out of me. Carlton is a young man. Much the same age as me and I know he is a single man looking for love. The fuck if he’s finding it with my latest project, so I say quickly, “Thanks, Carlton. We should be on our way if we’re to get there in time.”
He nods and I don’t miss the lingering look he gives Laura as she ducks into the car, her shapely legs only highlighted by the tight boots she is wearing.
I step in after her quickly to block his view and, feeling antsy, I slam the briefcase on my knee and pull out a file.
Laura is quiet beside me, and I note her interest in the plush leather interior and the gleam of wealth.
“What car is this?” She says after a while and I snap, “It’s a Bentley.”
“It’s very nice.”
“Nice!” I suppress a small laugh. “Nice doesn’t cut it. This is a top of the range vehicle worth over three hundred thousanddollars. I had it custom made to my own bespoke specifications, so it is one of a kind.”