Page 55 of Born Evil
He places his arm around my shoulders and pulling me tightly against him, kisses my cheek.
“I will make you fly so high you’ll never want to come back down to earth.”
He smiles at me with a soft gentle spark in his eyes and we share a moment when all that matters is us. This may have started off as a business arrangement, a revenge of sorts, but I already realize something has changed. He is either the finest actor in the world or it’s the same for him too and as I rest my head on his shoulder, I don’t feel quite so alone anymore.
We reachhis family home and, once again, I marvel at the sheer scale of the place. A beautiful white painted palace that, as I would expect, has nothing out of place. Perfection appears to be the number one requirement in this family’s life, which is probably why his father couldn’t live with the mistakes he made.
As the car sweeps to a halt at the stone steps that lead up to the huge black painted door, Troy helps me from the car and takes a deep breath.
“Mrs. Carlton will fix you something to eat in the kitchen. I must speak with my brother, and you may as well take it easy. Afterward, she can direct you to your closet where I understand there is rather a lot of packages waiting for you.”
I am reminded of our shopping spree and smile.
“So, I get to have all the fun while you do all the work. I like this arrangement.”
He grins. “I’ll make you pay. Don’t worry about that.”
He heads off, leaving me staring after him, wondering if the payment may be more than I can afford because there is something telling me deep down that we are about to face a huge challenge neither one of us is ready for.
Harrison is waiting in my den and appears unusually worried.
“Troy, what the fuck is going on?”
He drops into the seat before my desk, and I reach for the whiskey bottle.
As I pour us a shot, I say with a worried frown.
“Melissa is seeing someone, and I asked Max to tail them. I’ll know more when I speak to him.”
“Then make the call.”
Harrison accepts the glass and watches me through troubled eyes as I sit at my desk and press Max’s name on my phone.
“My sister.”
I waste no time in pleasantries.
“I’m sorry, Troy, I got held up by a road closure and when I got to your house, it was evident nobody was home.”
“How do you know? She could have been inside?”
“Because you had a delivery and when the driver knocked, there was no answer and he left it on the step. I haven’t moved an inch since and if you’re telling me she’s not there, then she never left by the front door.”
“You’re still here?” I glance out of the window and see nothing and Max laughs softly.“It’s why you pay me so well.”
“What time did you get here?” I ask, trying to calculate what time she left.
“Yesterday, an hour after you informed me. As I said, the road closure hindered my arrival. She must have left between your call and when I got here.”
I think hard and catching Harrison’s worried expression, I grip the phone tighter.
“Do you still have your contact at the airport?”