Page 56 of Born Evil
“My sister apparently made it to Italy. Ask him to check the passenger manifests and find out who she was traveling with and where they went.”
I sharpen my voice. “I need a location, Max, and I can’t stress enough that I need it yesterday.”
I cut the call and stare at my brother with deepening anger.
“As soon as I discover where she is, I’ll inform the flight crew. It appears that I am heading to Italy.”
“What about me?” Harrison is angry and worried, and it will be difficult to keep him out of this.
“Somebody needs to be here for mom. I’m sorry bro, we can’t leave her.”
Harrison sighs. “Of course. It sucks not coming with you, though.”
“It’s necessary.” I remind him because if she’s where I think she is, I need someone here to take over from me in case I don’t make it back.
More as a distraction than anything,I leave Harrison to keep on trying Melissa’s phone and head up to my bedroom, wondering what Laura thought when her stuff was delivered to the ‘hers’ closet in my room. She asked for her own one, but we are way past that now.
She is my girlfriend, proper girlfriend and this is not about using her for revenge anymore. I want to be here for her, to be the missing piece in her life that she longs for. I want to take on all her problems and make happy memories that we will look back on in the future. Our future. Our happy ending, but first I must solve the problem that I created in the first place.
I hear rustling when I step inside the room and note the door to her closet open and empty bags spilling out. I say nothing and head inside, smiling when I see Laura gazing dreamily at a gorgeous red silk dress as she prepares to hang it with the others.
“I’d like to see you wearing that.” I say softly and she turns, her eyes sparkling like the chandelier she is standing under.
“Thank you.” She grins. “I am having so much fun. You know, it surprised me, really.”
“Why?” I arch my brow and she glances around her.
“I’ve never been a girly girl. To be honest, I’m more at home in a baggy sweater and jeans than dresses. Especially one’s like this.”
She holds up the hanger.
“But this has been the best day of my life. It’s sad really that shopping has replaced places that I’ve traveled and people I met.”
“Then you’ve traveled to the wrong places and met the wrong people.”
I shift off the door jamb and head inside the light-filled space.
It’s in direct contrast to my own rather masculine closet and it suits her. It’s light, luxurious and decadent. Everything mygirlfriend should be, and I congratulate myself on my decision to change direction. Why ruin something that is perfect? Untarnished beauty that will only be enhanced by what I can give her, both emotionally and mentally.
I head to the small couch and pat the seat beside me, and she hangs up the dress and joins me.
I place my arm around her shoulders and say lightly, “I want to give you everything, Laura. It’s not about money or possessions. I want to make you happy.”
“What changed, Troy?”
She shakes her head and stares at me with an inquisitive smile.
“It’s just, well...” she falters, and I say softly, “You can say anything to me. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.”
She takes a deep breath and appears unsure about speaking her mind and so I decide that now is the perfect time to get everything out in the open. To reveal my own darkest secrets because how can I demand the whole of her when I only give her half of me?
Iam so close to telling him everything. About my real family, Adonis and what he warned me about. I have been blown away by his personality. The way he makes me so happy and the generosity of the man. We’ve come a long way since we met, and I’m still shocked at how quickly I’ve fallen, but there is still this massive elephant in our room that I can’t get around.