Page 85 of Huge Games
Celine – We’re at your apartment but it feels weird without you.
Dornan – Yeah, dude. It’s not the same without you.
Elias – Celine’s out of control. We need you to come back and show her who’s boss.
Celine – You all know who’s boss. She’s tight and wet and warm and greedy.
Dornan – Jesus, Celine. Are you trying to give us all heart attacks?
Elias – She’s not wrong, though. Pussy power’s a thing.
Celine – We miss you…what’s happening with the investigation?
Travis –I have news…
When the plane lands, I feel such a sense of relief. I love Germany as a country - the culture, the beautiful landscapes, the friendly people - but Lina made my stay there unbearable.
Returning home a second time is even more emotional because I know there's no reason to go back.
I only have a small suitcase with me so there's no need to wait for luggage. In the arrival hall, I expect to walk straight through to search for a cab. Instead, I find Celine waiting for me, flanked by Dornan and Elias.
She runs to me, throwing her arms around my body tightly and pressing her face into my neck. I breathe in her soft floral scent, and it's like I've shed a concrete overcoat to run across a sunny field barefoot. The relief to be back and in her embrace winds me.
Dornan and Elias wait for our reunion with smiles on their faces. When Celine eventually lets me go, I press a kiss to her lips and then greet the boys, shaking hands. "We thought you might appreciate a ride?" Dornan says.
"I definitely appreciate it."
"And we have your keys." Celine pulls them out of her pocket and dangles them in front of me. "We might have christened your bed just a little."
"That's good. I wish I'd been there."
"You were in spirit." She smiles and takes my hand. "Maybe you can be later?"
Hell yeah! I want to scream it from the rooftop, but instead, I smile and kiss her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"So, what happened?" Elias takes the handle of my suitcase and wheels it behind him. As we start walking, I tell them everything that happened.
"Dornan was right. I managed to find Lina's ex, and hetold me he's the child's father. At least, Lina had told him he was two weeks before she told me. It seems she got on a plane out of desperation, hunting for a man to be a father to her baby. I guess she knew I was loyal and wouldn't desert her. Leaving the baby behind was tough, even knowing it's not mine. That poor kid has got to grow up with Lina as its only parent. Maybe one day, she'll find another sucker to step in. In fact, I'm sure she will because that's the kind of person she is. I'm just glad it's not me."
In the car, Dornan leaves me to sort out the playlist, and I select something I know Celine will like. As soon as the first bars play, she immediately squeals. The journey to my place becomes a singalong, and even Elias joins in.
When we're getting close, Dornan signals in the wrong direction. "Where are you going?" I ask.
"We need food. My belly is growling."
He pulls up to a fast-food drive-thru; not exactly a healthy meal I should eat but fuck it. The plane served gross slop, and I'm hungry as a wolf. Unless they've been grocery shopping, my cupboards are going to be bare. We order a mixture of burgers, wings, and fries, with milkshakes and sodas. Dornan drives to the next window to pay.
"I'll get this," I say. I'm not rolling in it, but I've been working for a couple of years, and these guys are all students.
"No way. I'm getting it." Celine pulls out her credit card and attempts to lean through Dornan's window. She manages to tap her card on the reader, and the server pulls the machine back in. He looks up and shakes his head. "It's declined."
Celine looks confused but pulls out another card. "Try this one." She taps the machine again. After a few seconds, the server shakes his head.
"It's declined."
Celine shrinks back, staring at her open purse and the cards.
Dornan hands over his card, and it goes through right away.