Page 86 of Huge Games
We exchange looks as he drives to the collection window.
I turn to find Elias resting his hand on Celine's knee. "Do you think he canceled your cards?"
Celine shrugs. "I'm not sure. It's never happened to me before on one card, let alone two."
"He threatened it, didn't he?"
She purses her lips, still staring at the cards. "He did, but I didn't think he'd go through with it. For what? Because I wouldn't drop my plans for his last-minute invitation after he hadn't called me for weeks. The only thing he does for me is give me money."
"Do you want to call the bank and find out for sure?"
She shakes her head. "It's obvious that he's cut me off financially. What am I going to do?"
"There's a job going at the Daily Grind. I heard they pay okay," Dornan offers.
"Yeah. That could work, but it won't help me with the cost of my accommodation. That's only paid up until the end of the semester."
I don't offer immediately, but now that I'm moving out of home, my room is free. I'm sure Gab and my mom would be cool with Celine moving in with them. I'd offer for her to stay with me, but my apartment is further away from campus, and I don't want to freak her out with gushing offers of serious commitment just yet. Plus, this thing we're in involves two other people. I'd have to consult with Dornan and Elias before offering anything. Treading on toes in such a big way wouldn't exactly maintain great relations.
"We'll sort something out," I offer. "Don't worry about anything. You have three men here. Between us, we'll come up with a plan. Dornan nods and when I turn, Elias raises his head in agreement.
Celine's smile is falsely bright; a straight line of tight lips that doesn't meet her eyes.
Her father's action isn't just about the physical withdrawal of cash. It's more than that. He's emotionally withdrawn from Celine, too. I know what it's like to lose a parent. Worse still, I know what it feels like to think you know someone but find out that they're a different person.
When it's a parent, it shakes you to your core.
My dad projected that he was the perfect family man. It wasn't until he was killed in a car accident, next to a woman we didn't know, that we found out he was living a double life. His betrayal still cuts me despite the years that have passed.
The drive to my place is short. Celine is quiet, and her low mood affects us all. I'm relieved that the music overlays the silence.
It's weird to go into a place that's mine, but I've never lived in. Elias, Dornan, and Celine have spent more time in this apartment than I have. But, as we spread our food out over the table, it starts to feel like home.
"I'm just going to wash up," I tell everyone. I take my suitcase into the bedroom and head to the bathroom. Closing the door, I pull out my phone and dial mom's number.
Her relieved gasp of my name makes me smile.
"Hey Mom, I'm back."
"Are you coming home?"
"Not right now. I'm just hanging out with some friends."
Her happy humming noise makes me grateful she's socool.
"Listen, I wanted to ask if you'd be okay with letting Celine move into my old room. She's having some family issues that have become financial. From next semester, she won't have the money to pay for accommodation."
"Of course," Mom says. "She's not only your friend. She's Gabriella's, too."
"She'll probably be at my apartment a lot of the time," I add.
"That will be nice for you both." Mom's unseen smile is obvious. She hasn't asked me what's going on with Celine, but I can tell she's made assumptions and is happy about them.
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow," I say.
"I'll have dinner ready at seven pm. You can invite your friends if you want."
I love my mom, not only because she's been a rock of stability and love throughout my whole life but also because of how warm she is to all my friends. She loves people, and she loves feeding them even more!