Page 72 of Wicked Praise
They both knew this wasn’t some friend.
“Still sounds like fucking blackmail. If you need help, get your ass on a plane to NYC and we can work this out.”
His chest tightened.
Damn, it felt nice to share his burden even if rhetorically. It would be easy to lean on his family, but he had to do this himself. After all the taunting by his peers and professors at college, it was important he be seen to be doing it on his own.
Well, with some funding from Kennedy Enterprises, which he couldn’t help thinking, was hilariously ironic.
Meeting Bella felt increasingly serendipitous every minute.
“Thanks, man,” Blake said humbly.
“But you won’t. I get it.” Daniel sighed. “Listen, I’ll kill you if you repeat this to Fletcher or Hunter. Marriage is about love. Not business. Be careful merging the two. Tell your friend.”
Wise words.
“The contract is for two years,” Blake said, rubbing his jaw.
“Then friend walks away,” Blake tacked on.
They would eventually divorce, and Bella would be free to meet the man of her dreams. They’d both save their businesses and carry on with their lives.
“Okay, then. The only other piece of advice I have is to make sure there’s a rock-solid termination clause if this all turns to shit.”
A chill ran through him.
After they said goodbye, Blake leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath.
He knew Daniel would keep their conversation confidential. Blake hadn’t breached the NDA in any case. He’d not mentioned Bella or Kennedy Enterprises.
Or her inheritance terms.
The next step was calling his lawyer and preparing him.
He’d already decided, after clearing his schedule for the morning and pacing his office, that if he was going to go ahead with this, he wouldn’t tell his family it was a fake marriage.
They’d want to know why.
Marrying someone to save your business wasn’t exactly romantic or something to be proud of. Hell, if she was any other woman, Blake would have properly laughed her out of his condo.
He nearly had.
Fortunately, she hadn’t left and had given him a chance to listen and understand further.
Now they were just a few steps from being engaged. Jesus.
Blake picked up his phone.
If we do this, we tell our families we’re in love. No compromise.
Knox knows...
Damn it.
He thinks he knows. You just happened to fall in love with me last night. It’s understandable.