Page 73 of Wicked Praise
He smiled as he lowered his phone. Pretending to marry this beautiful creature might be a lot more fun than he thought.
And if he was going to do this, he was going to act as if he would in reality. Blake was a dominant and possessive man.
Bella was his. Whether they were in love or in business together.
You’ll move into my condo this weekend. Get prepared to become Bella Dufort, sweetheart.
Let’s start with the contract. It won’t be ready until next week.
What the fuck?
Are you considering other men?
Then she needed to understand his terms. Or rather, the way things were going to go. She was his woman now.
My movers will be there Saturday morning. Friday, you meet my mother.
His phone rang.
“Blake, you need to slow down,” Bella said as he answered.
“Says the woman who asked me to marry her.” He snorted.
There was silence.
Blake pressed his eyes closed, hoping he hadn’t hurt her feelings. That wasn’t okay with him. He hadn’t meant it like that.
“Bella, I want you to meet my family. We are telling them we’re engaged,” Blake said. “Is there anything in the contract I need to be concerned about?”
“No. But what if you don’t like the terms?” she asked quietly.
He hated hearing her sound so vulnerable.
Did she have any idea what she was taking on?
Randall fucking Scott.
The billionaire CEO wasn’t going to greet Bella with open arms if he’d never wanted to meet his daughter before. And, if he’d physically abused her mother, it was safe to say he wasn’t a good man.
Bella needed him.
He might not have the experience Daniel and his other cousins had, but he was a Dufort. It was in his blood. He was a powerful man in his own right and was going to protect her.
Blake’s gaze slid out the full-length windows of his office to the cloudy winter sky.
She might not be the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with, but they were going into a partnership, and he was going to make sure they both got what they wanted and were still in one piece at the end of it.
Bella could be eaten alive by that asshole.
Not on his watch.