Page 35 of Lucas
“Most women wouldn’t talk to the person who broke up their relationship.”
Felina finished chewing and swallowed.“Trish doesn’t mean anyone harm.I choose to think she recognized that Marty and I had drifted apart.Besides, we’ve been friends since grade school.I never had a sibling.She’s the closest I’ve ever come to having a sister.I’m not losing her over a man.”
“No siblings?”Lucas asked.
“I’m the only one,” she said.“And if I ever have children, it will be more than one.Only children never really get the full effect of childhood.I want my children to have someone to confide in, a built-in friend.”She stared across her sandwich at him.“Do you have brothers or sisters?”
Lucas nodded.“I have two sisters and one brother.Our home was always loud and rowdy.”He grinned at the memories.“We had our share of fights, but we had each other’s backs.I wouldn’t trade my childhood or any of my siblings for anything.”
“You’re lucky,” Felina said softly.“I envied families like yours.”She took a few more bites of her sandwich and then wrapped it up and put it in the refrigerator.“I have to get some work done before I meet Trish at the pavilion.”
“I can get a start on cleaning up the apartment.Besides the glass on the floor, the dust they used to lift prints will need to be washed away.”Lucas frowned.“Only I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone down here.”
Her heart warmed at his concern.Granted, it was his job, and he was obligated to be concerned.But it still felt good that someone cared enough to worry about her.Marty never had.
Felina touched his arm.“I’ll be all right.No one’s going to attack me in broad daylight.”
Lucas’s frown deepened.“Are you willing to bank your life on that assumption?”
It was Felina’s turn to frown.“You think they’ll come during the daytime?”
“Since we don’t know who they are, it’s hard to guess,” Lucas said.“Tell you what.I’ll leave the door open and check on you often.If anyone threatens you, all you have to do is yell, and I’ll come running.What do you say?”
“I’d say you’re overcompensating for a situation that isn’t likely to happen.”Her lips twisted.“But after having an intruder break into my apartment—something I never thought would happen to me—I say your idea sounds like a winner.”
At that moment, a voice from the front reception area called, “Hello?Anyone home?”
Lucas and Felina hurried to see who was calling out.
A man wearing jeans, a blue denim work shirt and a leather tool belt with a hammer, several screwdrivers, a pencil and a tape measure stood among the displays of flowers.
“Richard.”Felina hurried forward and hugged her favorite carpenter.“Thank you for coming so soon.”
“Hey, Felina.”He hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground.“How’s my second favorite woman in the whole world?”
She laughed as he set her on the ground.“You’d better not let Lacy hear you flirting with me.”
“Lacy knows I love you.I told her that if she ever decides to leave me, I’d marry you next.”
Felina crossed her arms over her chest.“And do I have a say in that plan?”
“Of course not.I can’t let logic play a part in this scenario.I’d lose.”Richard held out a hand to Lucas.“You must be Lucas.It’s a pleasure to meet you.Are you the man who stole the heart of Bayou Mambaloa’s favorite florist?”
Lucas nodded.“That would be me, the heart stealer.”He winked at Felina and took Richard’s hand in a tight grip.
“Yeah, well, hopefully, you won’t hurt her.We look out for our own around here.”
Lucas’s eyes widened and quickly narrowed as he shook Richard’s hand, his lips pressing together in a line.“I have no intention of hurting Ms.Faivre,” he said through gritted teeth.
The handshake went on longer than Felina would have expected, neither man relinquishing his hold, their knuckles turning white.
What was this, some kind of male domination contest?What were they trying to prove?
“Seriously?”Felina frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.“Cut it out.”
The two men released their grips at once, shaking blood back into their hands.
“Just wanted to make sure your man has your best interests at heart,” Richard said.“Unlike Marty.”