Page 36 of Lucas
“Like you have time for male posturing,” she said.“You have a lot to do to get a new door installed by the end of the day.”
“That’s right,” Lucas said.
Felina turned to Lucas.“And you promised to clean up the mess in my apartment.Standing around in a pissing contest isn’t accomplishing anything.”
“On it,” Lucas tipped his head toward the stairs leading up to the apartment, a crooked smile lifting the corners of his lips.“Come on.I’ll show you where to start.”
“Good.”Richard followed Lucas up the stairs.“If the door I brought fits, I could use a hand carrying it up.”
“No worries,” Lucas was saying as he opened the door to Felina’s apartment.“I have some basic carpentry skills.Any way I can help, let me know.”
“You’re on.”Richard entered Felina’s apartment after Lucas.
Felina shook her head.What was it with men thinking they had to protect her all the time?Richard was married to one of Felina’s friends.She’d known Lacy and Richard all her life.They’d all grown up in Bayou Mambaloa.Hell, they were family.And, as family, Richard was only looking out for her.
For the most part, Felina loved living in a small town where people looked out for each other.When they tried to decide who Felina should date or marry, it got to be a little too much.
The bell over the front entrance rang, alerting Felina that someone had come inside.She hurried to see who it was.
Missy Thornbridge transferred her white, designer purse from one arm to the other and smoothed a hand over her sleek, powder-gray skirt.Her striking white hair was pulled back from her face and secured in a perfect twist at the back of her head.She removed her sunglasses and smiled.“Ah, Felina.I’m glad I caught you.”
“Mrs.Thornbridge, it’s nice to see you,” Felina said with a smile, once again wishing she had taken the time to find suitable clothes for greeting customers.The jeans she’d worn to the bar the night before with the ripped knee made her feel like a kid from the wrong side of the tracks.
Which wasn’t too far off the truth, but still.She’d have felt a lot more confident dressed in clean, professional clothes and a bra.
Now that she could get into her apartment, she’d remedy her clothing situation as soon as she dealt with Missy.“What can I do for you?”
Missy drifted around the small reception area, studying the silk flowers and the fresh arrangements behind the glass doors of the refrigerator.“I was in town getting my nails done and thought I’d stop by.”
Felina hid a smile.Missy was one of Bayou Mambaloa’s most notorious gossips.That fact, coupled with a trip to the nail salon, meant she’d heard something juicy and was looking for more information.The woman’s next words confirmed half of Felina’s supposition.
“I heard Brenda Crabtree is opening Crabtree Mansion for Colonial Day.”She turned to fully face Felina.“And that she asked you to provide the floral displays for the event.”
Felina nodded.“She is, and I am.”She cocked an eyebrow.
“Will you be able to handle her order as well as mine?I mean, will it be too much work for one person to manage?”She touched Felina’s arm.“I wouldn’t want you to be overworked or unable to finish everything on time.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs.Thornbridge, I know my capabilities.I provided florals for Colonial Day last year for five participating estates.”
“Yes, yes, of course.”Missy switched her purse to the other arm.“I’m just concerned about everything being done in time for opening day.After all, I put my order in months ago.”
“Yes, ma’am.It’s on the books,” Felina smiled reassuringly.“I’ll have everything completed and delivered the morning of opening day.”
“Good.I just got nervous that you would be overwhelmed.”Missy frowned.“None of us thought she’d open Crabtree Mansion for Colonial Day since her husband’s passing.He was the one who insisted on participating.”She shook her head.“Thomas was so passionate about his heritage.It was too bad that wasn’t the only thing he was passionate about.”
Felina had things to do besides listen to Missy’s gossip.However, she reminded herself that this woman gave her a lot of business.Not only the large order she’d made for Colonial Day but throughout the year.She liked fresh flower arrangements in her home for every dinner party, soiree and tea she hosted.So, Felina listened politely, praying she’d get to the point and leave soon.
“I never thought Brenda would give a damn about carrying on the Crabtree tradition after Thomas’s flagrant disregard for the sanctity of their marriage.”Missy’s mouth twisted disapprovingly.“I would’ve left him long ago had he been my husband.”She touched a finger to a silk rose.“But then, she didn’t have a choice, what with the prenup he made her sign.”The older woman snorted softly.“Can’t say that I blame Thomas for doing that.He loved his family home.It had been in his family for two hundred years.How horrible would it have been to lose it in a divorce?”
“Pretty bad,” Felina said, though Thomas wouldn’t have had to worry if he hadn’t been cheating on his wife.
“Anyway,” Missy paused, “I came to see if I could alter my order just a teensy bit.”
Finally.The point.
“Certainly,” Felina said.“I’m placing my order this afternoon.We can make changes up until I place the order.”She turned to grab a pen and paper from behind the counter.“What exactly would you like to change?”
“I’d like the display for the front entryway to be bigger.Add at least two dozen more roses.And, if it’s not too much to ask, I’d like to double the number of hanging ferns and add a floral display to be placed in front of the fireplace in the sitting room.I’ll give you carte blanche to make certain Thornbridge Manor shines above all others for this year’s Colonial Day.”She waved a hand with all the drama of a rich plantation owner.“Money is no object.”