Page 64 of Lucas
“Has anyone questioned Mrs.Crabtree yet to find out if she hired Gaither and to ask her about the cash withdrawals?”
“Not yet,” Remy leaned his elbows on the bar.“When they discovered Gaither’s identity, Shelby drove out to Crabtree Manor.Mrs.Crabtree wasn’t there.The gardener said she’d gone to stay a night in New Orleans and would be back tomorrow.”
“Do you think she made a run for it?”Lucas asked.
Remy glanced in Lucas’s direction.“Shelby alerted the New Orleans Police Department to be on the lookout for her and to bring her in for questioning if they find her.We haven’t heard anything from them.”
“She might not have gone to New Orleans,” Beau said.“She could’ve told the gardener that as misdirection while she heads the other way.”
“Misdirection for the law or the scary people blackmailing her?”Lucas asked.
Remy’s lips twisted.“Or both.”
“We won’t know until she turns up,” Lucas said.
“In the meantime,” Remy straightened, “we need to keep Trish and Marty safe from Big John.”
“Do you think Mrs.Crabtree killed her husband?”Beau asked.
“If that’s her in the video, yes,” Remy said.“I’m ninety-nine-point-nine percent certain that the woman in the video killed Thomas Crabtree.”
“If Mrs.Crabtree was that woman, her private investigator double-crossed her by recording the video of her stabbing Crabtree.”Lucas tapped a finger against the beer bottle.“From what Trish said, Gaither blackmailed her first.He could have been blackmailing Mrs.Crabtree at the same time.”
“Swede’s still looking into Gaither’s data.He’s trying to get into his client files.We should be hearing from him soon.”
“I would think the New Orleans Police Department would have visited Gaither’s office by now,” Lucas said.“Felina and I are due to go to New Orleans tomorrow.We could swing by Gaither’s office.”
Remy shook his head.“Now that they know it was Gaither who was killed, N.O.P.D.will have secured it for evidence gathering.You wouldn’t be able to get in.If Gaither stored his files online in the cloud, Swede can access them.”
“All we can do is wait until Mrs.Crabtree shows up.”Lucas didn’t like being held in limbo.Especially when Felina could still be in danger.She could ID Big John.From what Remy had said, Big John’s witnesses never lived to testify against him.
The guys tossed around ideas over the next hour, getting no closer to any solid answers.
Beau tipped his head toward the table in the corner.“Looks like the ladies are done with their girls’ night out.”
“Felina and I will drop Trish at her house.”
“I’ll get there before her and make my way inside,” Beau said.“Warn her.I’d hate for her to shoot me, thinking I’m an intruder.”
“Will do,” Lucas promised.“Be safe.This Big John dude sounds dangerous.”
“We’ve gone up against worse,” Beau said.“Don’t worry, I’ll be vigilant.”
The men slid off their stools.
Beau left the bar first while Remy and Lucas waited for the women to finish hugging each other.
Shelby was the first to cross to where Remy and Lucas stood.“Are you two done chewing the fat?”
Remy dropped a kiss onto her forehead.“I never chew fat with beer.”He smiled down at her.“Ready to go home?”
Shelby nodded.“I am.”
He held out his arm.She slid her hand through the crook of his elbow.
Seeing them so happy together made Lucas long for the same.With Felina.Where had the battle-hardened Delta gone?The one who had thrived on adrenaline and danger?
One glance at Felina answered that question.He’d found his one and only.