Page 65 of Lucas
“Have a good evening,” Remy said to Lucas.“See you at the boat factory tomorrow?”
Lucas nodded.“I’ll be there.”
After Remy and Shelby left the bar, Felina and Trish joined Lucas.
“We’re ready for our designated driver,” Felina said with a bright smile.
Lucas’s chest tightened.When you knew.
He loved this woman, and he’d do anything in his power to keep her safe.
On their way out the door, Trish paused to look at the photos nailed to the wall.“We’ve had some good times here, haven’t we?”
“And we’ll have more,” Felina assured her.“Someday, we’ll have our photos hanging up here.”
Lucas studied the pictures of men holding trophy fish, winners of chili cooking competitions and shenanigans at an annual beer fest.“Are all these people Bayou Mambaloa residents?”
Felina nodded.“Rene likes to call this our hall of fame wall.”
Lucas paused in front of a row of framed magazine covers.He read the name, Southern Home.He’d seen the house displayed on the front, and the two people standing beside it were familiar.
“Recognize them?”Felina stood beside him.
He nodded.“Brenda and Thomas Crabtree.”
“That’s the one year they won the Southern Home competition,” Trish said.“Thomas was so proud.He’d worked so hard in his garden.”She wandered further down the line of magazine covers.“Thornbridge Manor usually wins.Missy makes sure of that.Like Thomas, she works in her garden, designing the layout, planting bulbs and annuals.”
Lucas leaned closer, staring at Mrs.Crabtree’s hand.The image was so small, but he could swear she wore a ring that sparkled green.
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”he whispered to Felina.
“It could just be the lighting,” she said, moving closer, squinting at the image behind the glass protecting it.
“I’d love to be the one to talk with Mrs.Crabtree,” he said.
“So would the sheriff’s department and the New Orleans Police Department.We’d have to take a number.”She glanced toward Trish.“Ready to go?”
Trish nodded and rejoined them.
As they left the Crawdad Hole, Felina slipped an arm around her friend.“Aren’t you glad you came out?”
“Sure,” Trish said.“It’s always good to spend time with my friends.”
Lucas chuckled as he held the door for Trish to climb into the back seat.
“Too much?”Felina asked as he held the door for her.
“No,” he said and bent to kiss her.“Never too much.”
Her eyes narrowed.“You’re laughing at me.”
“I’m enjoying being with you.Now, get in,” he said, helping her up into the seat.“If we hurry, we’ll have time for that third dessert.”
Lucas drove slowly down Main Street, allowing enough time for Beau to reach Trish’s house and get inside.If Trish was being watched, the people watching would be following them, not hanging out at Trish’s house.
“I’ll miss Bayou Mambaloa,” Trish said.“I really liked my shop.I’d hoped to buy the building someday.”
“Did you leave a light on inside your shop?”Felina turned in her seat as they passed a building with Shear Delight written on the sign.