Page 15 of 0 Alien Regrets
Amidst the chaos, I spot a moment of vulnerability. Zoar overextends a powerful swing, leaving himself momentarilyexposed. I seize the opportunity, and launch a swift series of strikes at Zoar's midsection. The blows land with precision, causing Zoar to stagger backward.
With a powerful kick, I send Zoar sprawling to the ground. The Badligon leader, momentarily stunned. He struggles to rise.
“Enough, Zoar," I shout, and in my peripheral vision, I see the others stiffen and take a step forward. My voice commands authority. "This ends now. Release Felicity, and let us leave in peace. You are clearly defeated.”
Zoar, seething with rage, glares up at me from eyes burning with hatred. The forest falls silent, as if awaiting Zoar's decision. After a tense pause, Zoar nods reluctantly, acknowledging his defeat.
“Take the female and go,” he spits, his pride wounded. “But mark my words, I’m coming for my revenge. When our paths cross again, there won't be mercy.”
My breathing is heavy and laboured. I glare at him before turning my back on him and walking triumphantly towards Felicity. The weight of the victory mingled with the scars of the battle.
I snatch her from Koda’s grip and she throws herself at me, her small arms curling around my waist.
“Phalon. You’re bleeding. Are you okay.”
I quickly glance back at Zoar, who is attempting to get up, and then at each of the others. I can see they are unsure whether to intervene.
“Yes... Come on. We need to go. Hold onto me tightly while I climb on top of the tree.” She nods her head quickly.
The effort to climb is extreme, but I don’t falter, I have too much to lose, and that something is holding on tight.
Moments later, we are soaring in the air.
The cold wind whips against my face as Phalon soars through the alien night sky. His strong arms cradle me, wings beating rhythmically. I don’t know how badly he was injured, but bloodstains mar his alien features. His once confident and fierce movements are now strained, every beat of his wings seeming to carry the weight of his injuries. I cling tightly to him, feeling the warmth of his body against the chilly air, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and gratitude. The urgency to get away from the other Badligons as soon as possible weighs heavily upon us both. Yet despite this, his determination remains unyielding.
“Phalon, we need to find somewhere to land.” I can hear the urgency in my own voice, barely audible over the rushing wind. His body tenses beneath me, a sign the strain of our endeavour is taking its toll on him, and his response is just a nod.
The forest below blurs as he manoeuvres through the trees, his flight becoming increasingly erratic. I can feel his muscles tense with every beat of his wings, his movements growing sluggish. Panic claws at me as I look down—where can we find refuge in this alien landscape?
His breathing is laboured. “We're almost there,” he murmurs more to himself than to me. His determination is admirable, but it is clear he was pushing himself to the limit. I can see the strain etched across his face, the pain he’s trying to conceal from me.
He begans to descend through the thick canopy of the alien forest, my surroundings feel so surreal, and I can’t help but marvel at the strange, luminescent plants bathed in an otherworldly glow now night is once again falling, but my focus remains on Phalon, who is now struggling to maintain a steady flight.
The forest below seems to close in on us as we touch down in a small clearing surrounded by towering trees. Phalon’s wingsflutter with controlled desperation and the impact of our landing is gentler than I expected. I look up and blink, my eyes adjusting to the dappled light filtering through the forest canopy.
Phalon staggers, and he gently lowers me to the ground, and I carefully ease out of his arms. Moonlight filters through the dense foliage, casting a silvery glow over the clearing.
Gently, I take his hand and guide him to a fallen log at the edge of the clearing and Phalon lowers himself, wings folding wearily behind him. I take a moment to assess his injuries—the gashes on his side, the bruises that mar his squished alien features. My hands tremble as I tear off a strip of fabric from the hem of my shirt, attempting to fashion makeshift bandages.
Phalon's injuries are everywhere. Dark blood stains his pewter-coloured skin, and he winces as he tries to catch his breath. Concern floods my senses as I dab away at the blood, my fingers gently tracing the outlines of his wounds.
“Thank you,” he mutters, the strain evident in his voice. I nod, focusing on my task. The forest echos with the sounds of unknown creatures all around us, a chorus of the alien night to come. I shiver, hoping we don’t come across the same scary forest creatures as before.
As I work, my fingers graze his skin, the touch both foreign and familiar. The scars on his body tell stories of battles fought, and I marvel at the resilience that brought him to my side and saved me once again. His hisses of pain echo in the quiet clearing, and I can't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for the alien before me who has risked everything to protect me.
“You saved me,” I whisper, my voice filled with gratitude. “I-I don't know how to thank you. I owe you my life, Phalon.” A rush of feelings swell in my chest. “You risked everything to save me. I can't thank you enough.” My hands work gently to tend to his injuries. “If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it out of that cave.”
Phalon's expression softens, and he places a hand on mine, a gesture of silent gratitude. We stay like that for a moment, the alien and the human, bound by the shared ordeal.
His midnight black eyes reflect a mixture of pain and empathy. “I couldn't leave you in their hands. No one deserves to suffer at the hands of the Badligons. We are monsters.” His eyes drop away from mine and it’s as if he’s reminded of what he tried to do to me himself. “Your safety is all the thanks I need.”
His response strikes a chord within me. Warmth blossoms in my chest, and I realize my feelings for him have shifted. It isn't just gratitude I feel, there is a growing connection, a bond forged in the crucible of danger and survival.
I finish binding his wounds, and he offers me a strained smile. The forest around us has transformed into a surreal haven, bathed in the soft glow of the purple night. The air hangs heavy with the scent of unfamiliar flora, it’s almost magical, and the only hint of the nightmare we escaped from is the blood soaked make-shift bandages.
The temperature is quickly dropping, and I realize how vulnerable we are. Phalon's injuries need time to heal, and we can't risk being discovered by the Badligons again.