Page 16 of 0 Alien Regrets
“Phalon, it's getting cold. We need to find some shelter.” My concern for both his and my own well-being guides my words.
He nods and struggles to rise from the makeshift seat. My arm slips naturally around his waist and his arm rests heavily on my shoulders. The connection I felt earlier has now become physical, and it feels as if my skin is tingling with our skin-on-skin contact. With my help, we venture deeper into the forest, searching for a hidden refuge.
Eventually, we stumble upon a small hilly mound dotted with trees and boulders. I head for a large tree which unlike the others is deformed, its roots growing up and out of the ground, as if an enormous mole has been playing havoc with the earthbeneath it, but I stop and freeze when I see an opening to what appears to be a cave entrance, concealed within the roots of a massive tree.
Phalon turns his head to look at me. “Wait here. Let me check its safe.”
Pharis takes his arm off me and limps over to the entrance. He leans inside and cocks his head to one side as if he’s listening for something.”
I frown and take a step forward. “What are you doing? You won’t be able to hear anything from inside there?”
He withdraws his head and gives me a slight smile. “There is much you don’t know about my species. We have exceptional sonar hearing,”
I gasp. It makes sense. The Badligons do remind me of humanoid bat people. A wicked thought immediately comes into my head that shocks me for thinking it. What would his genitalia look like?
The cave looks like it will provide a sanctuary from prying eyes, its darkness a comforting shield. Phalon lowers himself to the ground, and I gather whatever dry leaves and twigs I can find for a makeshift bed.
“Rest here, Phalon,” I’ll make us something comfortable to sleep on.”
He settles against the cave wall, his wings folded around him for warmth. “Thank you, Felicity. You've been my beacon of light.”
My chest flutters at his words. The same can be said for him.
Once the bed is made, Phalon settles onto it and holds his arm and wing out for me to join him. I shiver and realise combined with the leaves, it’s the best option. He quickly drops off to sleep, exhaustion heavy on his features. I kept a watchful eye on him and don’t attempt sleep myself until I’m certain hisbreathing has evened out, indicating the merciful embrace of deep sleep.
In the quiet darkness, I curl up beside Phalon, the warmth of his presence a comforting shield against the cold backdrop of the cave. “Rest,” I whisper, my gaze fixed on his strange but wonderful face, “we'll figure out what to do next when morning comes.”
Chapter 7
I wake up feeling stiff. Not just in my body, but in my cock as well and wonder why. It’s been a very, very long time since I really been aroused.
My eyes are still closed as my mind tries to catch up with where I am. It’s been such a trying few months, forgetting where I am and what I did the day before has become routine.
My stomach feels heavy and a slight smile plays across my lips. I’m sated. Hunger no longer eats me from the inside out. I search my memory for what male I consumed. Then an image of a lone merchant I was hunting in the forest fleets into my mind, instantly followed by long golden hair. Nausea overwhelms me and the booming sound of my quickening heartbeat thundering past my eardrums from my pulse makes me sit up with a start, my eyes opening simultaneously.
I killed a female!
A small feminine groan down by my side startles me and I turn to see a shock of golden hair fanned out next to me, the body its attached to is semi-covered by a pile of dried leaves. Then images of the last few days invade my mind, one after the other.
I see myself starving, weak and close to death, barely able to fly high enough to hunt. I see the lone merchant running through the forest. I see myself diving and catching the merchant. Then dropping him to pulverize his body to feast on. Then the shock when I see it’s not a male, but a female. I see us in the forest together, her helping me lay traps. Then my body tenses when I see images of us fleeing, chased by Zoar and otherclan members. I see us being captured, the challenge and the fight that ensues.
I won. We got away. But at what cost? I remember claws digging into my side. Leaning down, I assess the damage to my torso. The cuts aren’t too deep, but they are close to a main artery. Strange how I’ve come to know so much about anatomy. Unlike the other Badligons who feast on every part of the males they capture, I’m selective in what flesh I eat.
Thanks to my genetics, the wound is healing well, but I have a raging thirst. Turning my head, I look down at the fan of hair. The smile that lights up my face knowing Felicity is safe and well by my side is enormous.
A dripping noise caught by my itti, my sonar hearing, catches my attention and I lick my lips, suddenly noticing just how dry and parched my mouth and throat are.
I make a move to rise, and then notice the arm laid across my lower abdomen, the hand at the end of it stroking the short soft fur down there. No wonder I’m hard. My cock is hidden away in a pouch just below it.
Carefully, I slide out and get to my feet. I’m a little sore, but other than that, I’m fine. The dripping calls me, and I continue into the cave, following the sound of it, drawn by my thirst.
A few metres in, I see the source. There is a natural underground spring. I drop onto my knees and lower my face into cold water, and then I drink and drink, with an unquenchable thirst.
Finally, I withdraw my face and gasp for air. I feel alive once more. Running my hands down my face, I dry myself.