Page 10 of Thorn Evermore
“Um, well, I was hoping we could…” He pauses, glancing over his shoulder nervously.
“What is it, Kyson?”
“I want to do something wild. Like outside or in a car or somewhere you’re not supposed to.”
Grinning, I nod. “I know just the spot.” With my fingers under his chin, I lift his face slightly. “You sure this is what you want, birthday boy?”
“More than anything in the world.”
Chapter 2
I can’t believe this is really happening. I had no confidence I’d actually find someone willing to do this with me, much less a man who looks like Thorn. He’s probably a weirdo. Or worse. There has to be something wrong with him if he’s willing to do naughty things with me, but I don’t even care at this point. I could use a little reckless abandon in my life.
Thorn guides me through the chaotic club with his hand firmly planted on my lower back. Why is that such romantic kryptonite?
He pushes the door to the outside open and the fresh air feels pleasant on my overheated skin. I have no idea where he’s taking me, and for once I’m trying not to care. For the past week I’ve made it my goal to work up the nerve to do this. Since the love of my life hasn’t bothered to show up at my door, I have to push outside my comfort zone if I want to meet someone. But tonight isn’t about love. It’s about proving myself and my ex wrong. I am capable of having fun. I can be spontaneous. And I can have a casual fling.
“You have a lot on your mind,” Thorn says softly, leading me down the sidewalk.
“How do you know that?”
“Just a feeling.” He stops walking, turning to face me. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
Nodding, I grip the edge of his jacket as if I could stop him from running away if he tried. “I want it so much, Thorn. It’s out of character for me, I admit, but that’s the goal. I’m a little nervous, but in a good way.”
“Okay, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? Swoon. Maybe I’m not actually awake. The alarm will go off and I’ll find out I’m still in bed at home and Thorn is entirely made up. Dang, I really hope not.
“Here we go,” Thorn says, gripping my wrist and guiding me up a flight of stone steps tucked between two buildings.
The sound of TVs and music, of voices and laughter, seeps through the walls as we pass, but we turn a corner and walk up another flight of metal fire escape stairs. The higher we climb, the more excited I get, my stomach fluttering with nerves. I hope I’m good enough for him.
Thorn pushes open a heavy metal door and steps to the side to let me pass. We’re on the roof of the building. There are chairs and couches scattered about, and down below is the busy street. We aren’t so high up that people couldn’t easily look up and see us, but we’re secluded enough to create a sort of private ambiance. The night air is cool since it’s still spring, but pleasant.
“Will this do?” Thorn asks.
“It’s amazing. Are we allowed to be up here?”
“Nope.” He grins, stepping closer to me. “But you want an adventure.”
“I do.”
Thorn’s smile fades into something more seductive and even dangerous. “I had hoped to meet someone exciting tonight, and here you are.”
Smiling, I place my hand on his muscular chest. “Well, like I said, I’m not known for being exciting, but I wanted to do something different tonight.”
“Lucky me.” Thorn brushes his fingers over my chin. “Can I kiss you, Kyson?”
I close my eyes in anticipation, but nothing could have prepared me for the heat of Thorn’s kiss. His lips are soft and plush like the best pillows, but that’s all that’s soft about him. He grips the back of my neck, holding me close, and slips his tongue between my lips.
I feel myself melt into him, my fingers scrambling to touch him beneath his jacket. He isn’t as warm as I’d expect, but his body is hard and muscular. He’s divine. I lose myself in his kiss, my thoughts consumed by nothing but this man. My body tingles in response, like it’s my first kiss, and heck, it might be. Every kiss before this pales in comparison.
Thorn moans softly as he explores my mouth, licking and tasting me until I’m nearly a puddle of lust. I slip my hand under his t-shirt and gasp at the incredible softness of his skin. If kissing him feels this good, I can only imagine the rest.