Page 9 of Thorn Evermore
“I feel so alive again. I went too long.”
“Sounds like it. Just be smart. We don’t kill indiscriminately here. It’s how we keep the peace. Do your feeding at Lair or be smart with mortals. Can you compel?”
“Not well.”
“Then stick to Lair. What happens there is sanctioned.”
“Thanks again. Can I buy you a drink?”
“Yeah. Strongest shit you got.”
She giggles. “I got you. Too strong for most mortals.”
“I’m down.”
Back inside the club, I follow Jade to the bar, but stop in my tracks. Near the dance floor is a delightful nugget of mortal goodness. My feet seem to carry me straight to him, until I’m directly in front of him.
He’s far shorter than me, with a thick, soft body. He has light brown hair, pale skin, and freckles everywhere I can see. He startles, and his cheeks turn bright pink as he pushes his glasses up his nose.
“Hello,” he says. His voice is soft, like feathers floating on whispers.
“What is your name, beautiful creature?”
He giggles. “Kyson. Kyson James. Yours?”
“Thorn. Are you here alone?”
“Yes. It’s, um, it’s my birthday.”
“Your birthday,” I repeat, gazing into warm hazel eyes. “How many years are you celebrating?”
His smile slips slightly. “Well, I’m turning forty if you can believe it.”
“I can’t believe it. Your face is so youthful.”
“No, it’s just because it’s dark in here.” Kyson clears his throat, gripping the watered-down drink in his hand. “Are you alone?”
“Yes, but hopefully not for long. What is a sweet little guppy like you doing in a club full of piranhas?”
I can hear him swallow his nerves even over the music. Sudden sadness radiates off him, and though I met him seconds ago, I don’t want him to be sad for even a moment.
“I wanted to try something new.” His voice shakes. “My life has been sort of, um, stagnant, I guess. I read that this is a good place to meet people who might…well, you know.”
“Might what?”
He fiddles with his glasses again, leaning closer to me. “I want to have sex with someone.” Then he gasps like he can’t believe his own words. A soft giggle leaves his lips.
“You came to the right place, Kyson. I’d love to make your birthday wish come true.”
His eyes widen. “Really? You would… With me?”
“Absolutely. Have you seen yourself?”
“Yeah.” He scrunches his nose. “That’s why I’m asking you. Do you mean it?”
“Not a single person in here caught my eye until I saw you. I definitely mean it. Do you have a place we can go?”