Page 24 of Thorn Evermore
“Huh. Super weird. What did Thorn say?”
“He got kind of protective. No one’s ever been protective of me.”
“That is a nice feeling, but seriously, Ky, be careful. You don’t know this guy. He could be a criminal or something, knowing this city.”
“Maybe, but I have a good feeling. He’s different from other guys. I can just feel it.”
“I hope he’s as amazing as he seems right now, but love bombing is a thing. See Neal as exhibit A.”
“Yeah, I know.” I blow out a breath. “You’re right. I need to keep a clear head. This is my first attempt at dating after the destruction Neal left in his wake. I need to pace myself.”
Sandra rubs my shoulder. “I want you to be happy. You deserve the world, Ky, and I definitely hope your prince is on his way. Maybe it’s Thorn, but just be diligent. The world can be a dangerous place.”
“Of course. Hopefully you’ll get dicked down again.”
I snort a laugh. “You’re so bad.”
“I don’t see the appeal, but to each their own.”
We laugh together. Sandra is firmly in the asexual category, but when she does date it’s women only.
“Just want you to be happy, boo. He is gorgeous, I’ll give you that.”
“Right? He makes Neal look like… well…”
“Like shit on a shoe?”
I have to cover my mouth to stop the cackle. “Oh my god, Sandra,” I manage.
“It’s true. Neal is good looking in a nerdy jerk kind of way, but Thorn is next level. If I liked male presenting people I’d be all over him.” She grins. “So you better be all over him tonight.”
“We’ll see. I was feeling pretty bold two nights ago. Now I’m just me again.”
“Hey, if the boldness was there once, it can be there again.” She play-punches my arm. “But it looks like Thorn is a take charge kind of guy, so maybe all you have to do is let him lead.”
“That would help a lot.” I look down at the papers in my hand. “What was I doing before I saw Thorn?”
Sandra chuckles. “Giving the inventory copies to the front desk crew for the binder.”
“Right.” I clear my throat. “I haven’t been this excited in a while.”
“I know. It’s awesome. Chow’s on Sixth too? He must have a little money.”
“Maybe. What do I wear to a place like that?”
“My sister went on her anniversary and said it was surprisingly casual, so I’d just wear whatever you feel good in.”
“Okay. Good to know. I better finish up my work so I can get out of here on time.”
“Good plan.”
We part ways and I carry the docs up to the front, adding the sheets to the binder. Neal will approve pricing tomorrow, but it helps to have it documented for those customers looking for something specific.
I can’t believe Thorn found me. I know I should be slightly creeped out, but I can’t find it in me. He’s the most exciting thing to happen to me in… well, in forever.
“Socializing on company time?”