Page 25 of Thorn Evermore
I close my eyes and sigh, twisting slowly to face Neal. “I wasn’t socializing. It was a surprise visit.”
Neal’s eyes are cold, his lips pursed. Great. “Let’s notmake a habit of it. The last thing you need is to be distracted from your work.”
“What is that supposed to mean? I get my work done.”
“Hmm, maybe, but it takes you a long time.”
“Why are you giving me such a hard time? I do everything I’m required to do and more. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“Who was that guy?” he asks, ignoring my questions.
“A guy I’m seeing.” I have to fight back the smile those words bring to my lips.
Neal scoffs. “Oh come on, Kyson. You expect me to believe that you snagged a guy like that? What did you do? Hire an actor to make me jealous? Well, it didn’t work. I’m not jealous of someone I didn’t even want.”
“You don’t have to be mean, you know. Maybe… maybe I do things without thinking about you at all. You ever consider that?”
“No. Know why? Because I see the way your eyes linger on me still. The same sad puppy dog eyes that made me feel sorry for you and ask you out. I had hoped that under that shy appearance there was some light, but I was wrong. I hope you can keep your new guy around once he figures out you’re dull.”
My cheeks flame with humiliation. Part of me wants to tell him off, but he’s my boss and he can fire me if he wants to. Then what would I do?
“Nothing to say, Ky? Figures. Anyway, keep your hired boyfriend out of the store. Got it?”
“Got it,” I mutter as Neal turns on his heel and stomps off.
My eyes sting with unshed tears, but I refuse to give him that power. He can think whatever he wants, but Thorn is real. I can be my best self so he doesn’t realize I’m just a regular guy.
As I’m pacing my living room watching the clock tick, it suddenly hits me that Thorn never asked for my address. Never asked for my phone number either. How exactly does he know where I live?
Oh no. What if we miscommunicated and he meant to pick me up at the store? Shoot. He might think I stood him up. As if anyone in their right mind would do that.
I grab my jacket, ready to rush out and get back to the store. I have ten minutes until six, so I can make it if I walk quickly enough. I open the front door and jump back, a shocked gasp on my lips.
“Hi, Kyson.”
“Thorn. How did you…?” I shake my head. “I’m so confused right now.”
He smiles, all dazzling teeth and glimmering eyes. “I promise to explain at dinner. Are you ready to go?”
“I am, yeah.”
I grab my keys and phone from the entry table and follow him out, glad we didn’t linger here. Not sure I want him to see my humble apartment. I bet he lives somewhere sleek and modern.
Once I lock my door, Thorn offers his hand, so I take it, letting him lead me down the metal stairs to the parking lot. A sporty black car is idling right out front.
“Nice car.”
He smiles. “It belongs to one of my brothers. He likes fancy cars and I wanted to impress you.”
I chuckle. “Well, it’s nice. I’m a pretty simple guy though.”
Thorn opens the passenger door for me. “I wouldn’t describe myself as simple, but I’m not into trends.”
“Same,” I gush, then clear my throat, Sandra’s warning to stay cool and alert ringing in my head.
Thorn rounds the car and hops into the driver’s seat, grinning at me before shifting into gear and tearing off through the parking lot.
“Oh shit,” I whisper, gripping the door.