Page 83 of Thorn Evermore
“No, leave New Onyx,” I add. “We have strict rules here for supernaturals.”
“Yet we moved around beneath your nose,” the female brags.
“Not so much,” I say. “We saw you jump the guardrail.”
She huffs.
The older one kneels, placing the spell pages on the floor. Then he pulls a pouch out of his pocket, opening it and sprinkling some sort of shimmering dust on the pages. They crinkle and shrivel up into nothing, leaving only a black mark on the floor where they were.
The fae stands, smiling happily now. “We go now.” Thetwo younger ones walk towards the back door, but the older one turns to face Kyson. “If you ever need us, we will come to repay your kindness.”
“Thanks,” Kyson says, leaning into me and clutching the book to his chest.
The three fae leave, and once outside, lift off into the sky, their human-sized bodies shrinking to those of hummingbirds, before flitting off into the night, leaving their clothing on the ground. They move so quickly that even for a vampire, they are invisible within seconds.
Once they’re gone, Kyson turns to face me. “Well that was fucking weird.”
I laugh. “Indeed. How did you know how to interact with the fae?”
“I read a lot of mythical stuff. I just never thought it would happen in real life. This is real life, isn’t it?”
“’Fraid so. Unusual, for sure. We don’t see a lot of fae in New Onyx. Almost everyone here is either vampire or the occasional demon. Plenty of witches, but they almost don’t count as they live as most mortals do and avoid interacting with us. We have Viv and Viper, but they are dedicated to us.”
“And they’re witches?”
“Yes. Vivienne is very powerful. That drink I gave you… she made it. It’s a potion.”
“A potion?”
“Yep. I saved it for some reason, not realizing one day I would meet the person it was perfect for. I wanted you to experience me without the negative thoughts others had placed on you.”
“That was a cool night.”
“I hope you aren’t angry with me.”
“Of course not. It’s not like you could tell me, but you knew it wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Right. I didn’t understand then why I was so drawn toyou. Why I wanted to use it, and why I wanted to keep you in my bed for as long as possible. Now I know.”
He steps closer, pressing a brief kiss to my lips. “I’m kind of blown away, you know? I’ve read hundreds of books about fae and vampires and wolf shifters, never once believing they could be real, but silently hoping they were.”
“Your soul knew, love. It led you to seek that knowledge, knowing one day you would use it.”
Kyson gifts me with a stunning smile. “I love that.”
“Me too. Speaking of, remember the vampire exhibit you told me about?”
“I’d love to go see it. There’s a chance it’s very real.”
A fresh smile fills his face. “Absolutely.”
“We should go now.”
“Wait. There’s a little problem. We do have a security camera, and how am I supposed to tell Neal and the others where I found the money?”
“Ah. Well, the camera will be fine. Fae don’t show up at all, which is why you haven’t seen them before, and us… well, do you have access?”