Page 109 of A Game Of Choice
“That's a little hiccup. I have a feeling things are going to get better. You’ll see. Today will be good,” I tell her with a wide grin.
She smiles and shakes her head. We arrive at the coffee shop and order. Lilly goes to pull out her card to pay, but I quickly tap mine.
“Of course.”
We get our coffees to go, continuing our walk to the arena.
“It’s so weird being here, you know?” she muses, looking around the campus. “I feel like I blinked and now I’m eighteen, in college and like... an adult.” She shivers in disgust, making both of us laugh.
“I know what you mean. Being an adult sucks.”
“Right!” She looks at me with wide eyes. “I didn’t sign up for this.”
Grinning like a fool, my heart races. This! This is what I missed. I need my Little Flower.
“So, are you excited about your first game of the year?” she asks me.
“I am. I’ve been dying to kick RVU’s asses. I fucking hate those guys.” I shake my head. They’re fucking grade-A assholes for what they did to Rodney, and I can’t wait until they get what’s coming to them.
I’ve been waiting for one of their team members to come to our hockey house so I can kick their asses, but they’re all a bunch of pussies off the ice.
“You guys still have Raccoon. Did they contact you about him yet?”
I shake my head. “No, but they know we have him. Bishop sent them a selfie, but they haven’t said anything back. We’ve made our demands, but I think they’re at a standstill, wondering if a goat is worth the heap of shit they’re going to get into. Doesn’t matter if they don’t do the trade, we still plan on getting justice for our boy.”
“Good. I think bullies like them need a good dose of reality. It’s scary that cruel people like that can be walking around the rest of the population, ready to focus all their wrath on an unsuspecting person. I’d understand if maybe they had a mental health disorder with legit reasons for their anger, but even people with bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder don’t bully people for the hell of it. Some people are just bad people.”
“I agree. I can’t speak for them, but I don’t think it’s any mental health issues that make them that way, just spoiled rich kids with too much of daddy’s money and they let that power go to their heads.”
“That’s sad. We come from money, but Mom made sure to raise us to not depend on it.”
“One of the things I admire her for.” I nod. “She’s an amazing mom. I’m glad to have her.”
Lilly smiles up at me. “Me too.”
We get to the rink and Lilly takes off towards the ice to talk to her dad while I head into the locker room.
“Good morning,” I greet everyone as I burst into the room, feeling really fucking good right now. There’s a smile on my face that none of these fuckers are going to be able to wipe off.
The whole locker room goes quiet as everyone looks up at me. “Well, someone's in a good mood,” Wilson chuckles.
“Damn right, I am. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the world is just fucking fantastic,” I reply, winking at him before heading over to my cubby. I’m a little late, so everyone is already geared up and ready to go.
“Alright, who is that man? Did the aliens take Munro and replace him with... that.” Baker waves a hand at me.
“Haha.” I laugh, pulling off my shirt.
“Hey, man,” Bishop says, coming over to me. He’s also in his gear. “You good?”
I scoff. “Hell yeah, I’m good. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He raises his brows and I turn away to change into my practice gear. “Because for the past few weeks you’ve been in a rotten mood. And now, you're practically vibrating. What changed from your shitty mood last night to now?”
He’s looking at me with suspicion, and I don’t like it.
“Whatever it is, keep it coming. Bitchy Munro makes hockey practice suck!” Baker shouts as the rest of the guys head out.