Page 110 of A Game Of Choice
“I woke up with the girl of my dreams sleeping in my arms.” I give him a grin. “Best feeling in the fucking world.”
His brows furrow. “Lilly slept in your bed?”
“Why, jealous?” I chuckle, a part of me hoping he is.
“No.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m guessing you had another nightmare? You did drink a lot last night.”
“Does it matter how she ended up there?” I snap. He goes to put a hand on my shoulder, but I jump back, not wanting to be touched.
His brows furrow even more. He looks around then back at me. “Look, man, I don’t mean to pry, or push, or accuse you of anything. But... are you off your meds again? Because you’ve been pretty down for the past few weeks, and I thought it was because of everything happening with you and Lilly. But if you’re off your meds again, it would explain a lot.”
That pisses me off. “What? I can’t be in a good mood without being accused of being off my meds? Fuck you, Bishop, I’m not going to let you ruin my good mood.”
He lets out a harsh sigh as I sit down to lace up my skates. “I’m not trying to be an asshole, okay. It’s just... I care about you, Toby. You're my best friend in the whole fucking world, and I don’t want to see you hurting or suffering. But if you're off your meds, you need to go back on them. It’s not healthy or safe.”
“Fuck you. I don’t need you telling me what to do. I’m a fucking adult, and I can take care of myself.”
“Toby,” he growls.
I just grin at him. “I’m fine, man. Everything is good. And my girl is waiting in the arena to watch me play, so if you’ll excuse me.”
I’m not letting him ruin my mood. This is the best I’ve felt in weeks. So what if I’m off my meds? I fucking hate them. They made me feel like a zombie, always wanting to sleep. And I never want to eat anything because I always felt sick.
I didn’t mean to go off them. When Lilly started here, everything got shaken up. One missed day led to another and another and... well, it turned into weeks. But I don’t need them. I’m fine. I feel fucking fine.
And now I’m going to go show my girl why I’m the best fucking goalie this team has ever had. Fuck everyone else.
Chapter 28
When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t expecting to still be in Toby’s bed. But then I remember that I forgot to set the alarm to wake myself up so I could be out of there before he woke up.
I’m glad I didn’t though. Waking up in Toby’s arms... felt good. Too good. And maybe that should be enough reason for me to take a step back and put some distance between us again. But I was seeing the old Toby in that moment, and I found myself wanting to hold onto it.
So when he invited me to practice, I agreed. I also wanted to see Bishop, so that was another reason why I agreed.
I was up anyway, and I knew there was no going back to sleep. Not that I needed it. Any night spent in Toby’s arms, always guaranteed me an amazing night's rest. How messed up is that?
“Hey, Dad.”
Jax looks up at me, and his face splits into a grin. “Hey, sweetheart. What on earth are you doing here so early?” He chuckles.
“Toby asked me to tag along, so I did.” I shrug.
His brows jump. “Are you two getting along better?”
“I don’t know,” I sigh. “It’s all very, very complicated. I just don’t know where I stand with him right now.”
His face softens, and he nods. “Just be patient with him. He’ll come around.”
I narrow my eyes. “Why is everyone telling me that? Is there something I don’t know? Why are you all so adamant about the fact that this is some kind of phase Toby will grow out of?”
He looks at me for a second, like he’s contemplating saying something, but then the guys all start making their way onto the ice.
“Dad?” I urge.
“We’ll talk later, okay?” He kisses the side of my head and starts barking orders.