Page 46 of A Game Of Choice
“Where’s who?” I ask, playing stupid.
“You followed us here. Don’t you think that’s a little extreme on the ‘big brother’ part.”
“Nope. My sister is here too. Just looking out for our girls.” I shrug. “And I just so happen to have a date too.”
“Right.” He nods. Toby was right, this guy is a cocky fucker. My hand is itching to slap the smirk right off his face. “Look, Lilly is a nice girl, and I enjoy hanging out with her. Even if this doesn’t go past the first date, I want to be friends with her. So, unless Lilly tells me herself to get lost, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good to know,” I grind out.
He turns around and takes off towards the auditorium. Getting my phone out of my pocket, I send a quick text to Toby.
Big Daddy B: Change of plans. Got caught, had to come up with something on the spot. So, I’m here on a date now. You're on your own up there.
T Man: You’re fucking kidding me, right? You just had to take a piss. Does she know I’m here?
Big Daddy B: No. But just a heads up, Ryan does. Not sure if he’s going to tell Lilly or not.
T Man: Fuck!
Big Daddy B: How about we never do this again?!
T Man: “Middle finger emoji”
Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I head off to join my date. Fucking hell.
Well played, karma, well played.
Chapter 13
Tonight did not go as I thought it would. Not that I didn’t enjoy my time with Ryan, I did. The time we spent together before the movie was fun. We talked and laughed. I really enjoy hanging out with him. The movie was awesome, I screamed a few times, making Ryan chuckle.
But knowing that Bishop and my ex boyfriend were only a few seats down, had me second guessing everything. So there was no hand holding, no cuddling. And I’m okay with that. As excited as I was for this date, and while I don’t regret it, the idea of getting all intimate like that with anyone... I’m just not ready for that. Not when there were a few times throughout the night that I wished it was Toby sitting next to me instead. All I could think about was how scary movies were our thing. How he would hold me tight any time I got freaked out.
It’s not fair to Ryan to send him the wrong signals.
“That movie was awesome,” Ryan says as we make our way into the lobby.
“It was,” I agree. “Sorry if I hurt your ears.” I giggle.
“Girl, you have a set of lungs on you, you know that?”
I bite my lip and grin. “Yeah. I love scary movies. The jump scares always get me. I love the thrill.”
“Same.” He nods, looking around. “Looks like we lost the others. Want to go get something to eat? I know it’s kind of late but there’s this really good diner that’s open twenty-four-seven just down the block. They serve all day breakfast.”
“Oh, pancakes!” My eyes light up, and my belly growls in approval at his suggestion.
“Pancakes it is.” He chuckles. As we head out of the theater, I text Bee that we’re leaving.
Lilly: Are you okay if I head out to grab something to eat with Ryan?
Wifey For Lifey: Go for it, girl. And sorry about my stupid brother. I can't believe he pulled this shit. But it’s Bishop and he’s always like this with me and guys so I’m not all that surprised. Sorry he ruined our double date.
Lilly: It’s totally fine. I’m sure we will get a chance to all hang out again. Not including your brother and Jonas.
Wifey For Lifey: I can't believe he was there too. Did you know he had a date tonight?