Page 7 of Betrayal In The Bay
I heaved a big sigh, annoyed that Annisa was nowhere nearby. “She probably got some poor schmuck to carry her scuba gear,” I grumbled.
I was about to return to the beach when I heard voices arguing behind a small building where the bathrooms were located. Curious, I crept closer while keeping my eyes alert for other people.
“Why didn’t you call me back? I thought we had a good time,” a man’s voice said.
“It was one date, Trevor. It didn’t mean anything.” I was surprised to hear Annisa’s voice respond. What was she doing behind the bathroom building? Was she talking to Trevor, the dive master from our group?
I wanted to hear what the man said, but two divers were going to their car to put away their gear bags, and I didn’t want them to see me being a snoop. I reluctantly stepped away from earshot. I wish I knew how the guy answered back to Annisa.
There was nothing I could do but wait for Annisa to finish her conversation with the mysterious Trevor. I looked around at the near-empty parking lot, and I felt a little exposed. Everyone in our group was gathered on the beach. I scanned the crowd to see if Trevor was among the masses, but I couldn’t find him.
I sighed. I moved toward the bathroom again, but I didn’t hear anything. I wondered if Annisa was still back there. I debated going around the building to check, but knowing my luck, I’d get caught.
Blowing out a loud breath, I scanned the parking lot, trying to guess which one of these cars could be Annisa’s.
At the first car I spotted, I mumbled, “Nope.” The black F-150 pickup truck looked out of place among the small SUVs and four-door sedans. The next car my gaze rested on was a souped-up muscle car. “Definitely not!” I cried out.
I looked at the next row and saw a minivan. I laughed out loud. There was no way Annisa would be caught dead driving that. Then, in the row behind the minivan was a bright cherry red BMW sports coupe. Ah-ha! That looked like something Annisa would drive.
When I walked closer, I noticed the vehicle was parked two inches over the line, so there wasn’t any room for another car to be parked next to it.
I stopped in front of the car and placed my hands on my hips as I admired the shiny exterior. Observing the outrageous parking job, I laughed.
“Why are you laughing at my car?” Annisa asked. She had snuck up behind me while I was trying to figure out which car was hers. By the way she was looking at me innocently, she didn’t see any problems with her skewed parking.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” I choked back the joke that I wanted to make about her parking job. “By the way, nice car.” I placed my hand over my mouth to smother a giggle that was trying to escape.
Annisa gave me a funny look, and then she shrugged her shoulders and said nonchalantly, “Thanks.”
“Hey, Claire! Annisa! Are you coming?” I heard Sully shout from the beach.
“Yes, we’ll be there shortly,” I yelled back. He was waving his arm over his head to hurry us along.
“Is your equipment in the trunk?” I asked in a rush.
“Yes.” Annisa held out a key fob and pushed a button that lifted the trunk door open. Both of us walked to the back of the car.
I whistled when I peeked inside to see her scuba gear haphazardly thrown around in the trunk. I was floored. The brands she had were top-of-the-line. However, her state-of-the-art equipment wasn’t what made my jaw drop.
In addition to the scuba gear, I saw what looked like designer handbags and wallets piled in her trunk. Fendi, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton were the brands that I recognized. Annisa must’ve had at least several thousand dollars’ worth of accessories.
“Are these real?” I asked.
Ignoring my question, she merely shrugged her shoulders and said, “Come on, let’s go. They’re waiting for us.”
She reached past me into the trunk and grabbed her expensive gear bag. It was brand new. Annisa hadn’t even taken the tag off of it. She jerked it open and started to toss items into it.
“Hey, you might want to be more careful with that,” I cautioned when she flung a GPS watch in the bag.
“It’s not a big deal. It’s only scuba stuff.” When we put everything in the bag, Annisa said, “Thanks, Claire.” She closed the trunk with a thud.
“No problem,” I said weakly. I was still in shock over how she tossed her expensive gear in the bag like it was nothing. Not to mention, I hadn’t forgotten that Annisa had a trunk full of luxury accessories.
“Let’s go.” As we were walking back to the beach, I debated whether I should bring up what I heard behind the bathrooms. I chewed my lower lip for a few seconds before I timidly said, “Is everything okay? I heard you talking to someone by the bathrooms.”
Annisa’s eyes widened in surprise, and she stopped walking. “Uh… I didn’t know you heard our conversation. It was nothing. Really.”
“Are you sure?” I pressed.