Page 8 of Betrayal In The Bay
Annisa let out an annoyed sigh. “I had a disagreement with someone, but I don’t want to go into it right now.” She gave me a pointed stare.
“Okay.” I dropped the issue, but I was confused she didn’t want to discuss it further because Annisa was notorious for wanting to talk about her life.
We walked the last few yards in silence. I was holding Annisa’s BCD while she carried the gear bag. She had the same jacket-style BCD that I had, but it looked brand new. It didn’t have the tag on it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first time that she was using it.
Between Annisa’s argument with the mystery person and her careless attitude, I started to worry about the dive. It was clear that she had no idea what she was doing, and I was afraid that Aiden and I would get stuck with her as our partner.
If something went wrong on our dive, I didn’t feel confident that she would know what to do in an emergency. My throat constricted as fear started to creep in, but seeing Aiden eased my doubts a little. He was waiting for us with his gear, ready to dive. He waved to us when he saw us walking toward him. Then, he brushed back his hair, exposing his smooth face and making the butterflies in my stomach flutter.
“Did you get all her stuff?” Aiden asked.
I held up Annisa’s BCD. “I think so. We just have to set this up real quick.”
“You’d better hurry. Sully looks like he’s going to blow a gasket.”
Aiden’s words drove me to action, but he wiggled his eyebrows, making me giggle.
“Okay, Annisa, take the strap and hook it over the handle,” I said, using my hands to show her what to do.
Instead of taking the BCD, she looked at me in befuddlement. “What am I supposed to do with it?”
“You’ve got to be kidding?” I blurted out. “Weren’t you trained to set up your own equipment?”
“I guess.” Annisa made no movement to grab the BCD.
I was about to give her a piece of my mind when I heard a horrible, piercing shriek.
Startled, we looked around to see who had made the noise.
When we heard the scream again, we were surprised to see a young woman wearing a wetsuit by the bathrooms. Not knowing what happened but seeing her terrified face, we sprinted across the parking lot to the building.
“What’s wrong?” Sully asked. I heard his breath puffing from behind me as he raced toward the distressed scuba diver when she screamed.
“It’s Trevor. I think he’s dead!” the woman said before collapsing on the asphalt.
“Oh, no!” I shouted, hoping she wouldn’t get a concussion.
I felt Sully brush by me, and he called over his shoulder before he disappeared behind the building, “Claire, please stay with her while I check the back.”
Chapter Five
“Someone call for an ambulance,” Aiden shouted before we even reached the collapsed woman. Her name was Phoebe, and she was one of the ladies admiring Annisa’s wetsuit.
Oh, man! Groaning helplessly at my pocketless wetsuit and looking at the other divers’ regretful expressions, it was clear that we had packed our phones away and didn’t have them handy.
Luckily, the guy selling coffee from the food truck called out, “I’ve got you!” He whipped out his cell phone from underneath the stainless-steel counter that he was leaning on. I couldn’t hear what the guy was saying, but I assumed he gave the emergency operator our location and asked for help because he gave Aiden a thumbs-up and yelled, “The paramedics are on their way.”
Hunched over her body, I felt her breath on my cheek. A quick scan for any injuries showed there wasn’t any blood, so she didn’t cut herself in the fall.
Letting out a sigh in relief, I gently adjusted her body so that she laid flat on her back, and I used Annisa’s BCD to prop the unconscious woman’s head.
“Is she okay?” Annisa asked, peering down at Phoebe’s unmoving body.
“I think so. She’s breathing at least,” I said and pushed myself up to see Annisa’s mouth quivering.
“What’s wrong?
“Trevor!” she said, referring to the name Phoebe called out before she passed out. Shaking her head as though she couldn’t quite believe what she heard, Annisa dropped her gear bag to use her hand to cover her mouth. I winced when I heard her scuba gear bag clank against the hard ground, but I ignored it and went up to Annisa.