Page 23 of His Holiday Fate
“It’s so gorgeous, the freshly fallen snow,” he says dreamily. “When the streets are empty, and the snow untouched, it makes me feel like I’m in a winter wonderland. Oh! Or like I’m in a snow globe.” I chuckle at that since the snow globe float passed us a few minutes ago. “Seriously, it’s really nice. The city is shut down and it’s peaceful. I like to look out of the window with a mug of coffee or a glass mulled wine and just … be.”
“That sounds like a good time, actually. I’d like to spend a night with you like that.”
His face breaks open in a wide smile and he twirls himself on my hand again. “Let’s do it, Scrooge.”
Pulling his back to my front, I kiss his neck, loving his small gasp. “I figured I’d stop being Scrooge when I came to the parade with you.”
The husky chuckle from him warms my heart. “It’ll take a bit more than that. But I like you being Scrooge. That’s why I started to like you. Never change, my grumpy alpha.”
Rolling my eyes, I pull him beside me and we walk the last few hundred meters to the booths. This year, instead of the floats parking on the lot, they make a slow circle around and will drive back to the starting point. I’m glad because I know Dylan was worried about seeing every one of the floats and didn’t think he’d be able to. His booth is positioned in such a way that he can see them all as they circle the area and make their way back the way they came.
“I’m so glad you came with me today,” he says when we make it to his booth. Bryce looks up with a relieved expression, making Dylan roll his eyes good naturedly. “Relax, Bryce. We weren’t gone that long.”
“Yeah, well, it’s cold and I hate people. Have fun, lovebirds.” Bryce claps a hand on Pickles’s shoulder and shakes my hand.
I laugh as Dylan shakes his head at his brother’s back and moves around the table to start to get more mulled wine together. I pull out a few cases of Winny’s in case anyone wants to buy them. With the parade going on, the city is practically shut down and if anyone hasn’t gotten food or drinks, they won’t until morning.
While he’s getting the wine ready, my omega asks, “Are you really okay? After seeing your ex? My last boyfriend moved away about three years ago, so I doubt I’ll ever see him again.”
I nod as I move some of the Winny’s cases into a better position to give us more room to hand people drinks. “I am. It was better since I know I have you. I thought I would feel more upset than I was, but I guess I’m more over it than I thought.”
“Good,” he mutters, walking up behind me and wrapping my arms around my waist. “I’m glad. You’ll always be a Scrooge though.”
“Always a Scrooge.”
Before we can talk more, the first customers approach the booth and from there, we’re swamped. Carlton comes by with a thin alpha with a serious face and, in a nervous tone, asks for a case of Winny’s. I keep my distance and let Dylan handle it, not wanting the awkward introduction to the alpha he cheated on me with.
For the next few hours, people come by for warm wine and quick conversations.
An alpha that Dylan tells me is Reese comes by and does a double take when he sees me. “How did you get him to help?” he asks in a conspiratorial whisper.
I shake my head as Dylan gives him the rundown of our silly game of hit the sign and how we ended up being fated mates. Reese gasps, giving him a long hug after he rushes around the table. My omega laughs and squeals when the alpha spins him around in a circle. “That’s great,” Reese says. “Now if I can find an alpha that’s meant for me.”
“You never know,” Dylan says with a shrug. “Crazy things happen in life.”
Reese shakes his head. “Nah. The old legends say an omega for an alpha, not an alpha for an alpha. I don’t think I’ll ever find it.”
My omega places a gentle hand on his cheek. “Times change and not all legends are true. You will find your fated mate. I have faith.”
“You’re sweet, doll. That’s why I love you.” He pats Dylan’s cheek and he gives me an exaggerated wave. “Take care of him. He means the world to me.”
“I’m on it.” I look at Dylan and wink. “I’ll always take care of him.”
Dylan’s cheeks turn red and he ducks his head, pulling out some candy canes that we caught from the floats. He hands me one and hands me a cup of wine. “We’re walking back to my place, so we can stand to have a drink or two while we work.”
The candy cane with the warm wine is really good. I’ve had mulled wine a few times before, and Dylan’s is the best I’ve ever had. “Gods, omega. You have a real gift for mixing your alcohol. It’s really good.”
I love the expression of easy, but shy acceptance he has with my compliment. “Thank you, babe.” I roll my eyes and kiss his nose quickly. “Seriously. I really appreciate it. I’ve been working hard for years to get it down. Maybe in time, I can have more drinks out, but maybe just statewide. I don’t want to lose my unique flavor if I go much wider than that.”
“That’s understandable. I don’t know much about marketing and selling things. I know books,” I say.
“Yeah, you’re an editor. Any authors I may know?”
I tell him the name of a bigger name author and he shakes his head. Then I give him the name of a smaller author from right here in Fair Falls and his face lights up. “Yes! I went to school with him! That’s amazing! I didn’t know he had been published. He would write little stories and give them to us at school. Those were good times.”
Chuckling, I say, “Yeah, well he’s been with our publishing house for three years with four books out so far.”
Dylan wipes out his phone and searches for the author. “His books will be here next week,” he says offhandedly after pushing a few buttons. “That’s amazing.”