Page 24 of His Holiday Fate
The smile stays on his face for the rest of the afternoon. I love how happy he is about everything. Though Carlton was happy, now that I look at it, it seemed like a front. Like he was only pretending when people were around or watching him. This is who Dylan is. You can tell he has a kind, happy soul and he radiates that all the time, even if no one is around.
Gods, I am falling for him hard. And I don’t really give a fuck.
Chapter 12
The parade and booth were a success. I had the best time walking with Andrew and working the booth with him. While he would still scowl at some of the wreaths and I caught him knocking some of my hanging lights aside, he was a good sport about it. He didn’t complain once, not even when the little carolers walked past and I requested a song. I completely forgot Andrew was there until they were done, as he had kept quiet the whole time. When I turned to face him, I immediately apologized for making him uncomfortable. Regardless of how much I loved the little singers, I should have taken his comfort into account.
But he didn’t let me apologize. He kissed my forehead after giving me a dry look and said, “Never change, my little omega. Even if it drives me up the wall.”
I smiled up at him and kissed the underside of his chin before his lips met mine. A few whoops and whistles broke us apart and we continued to work the booth.
After, instead of breaking down the booth, we decided to head home. Andrew already told me he’d join me in the morning to help. I’m glad because my feet are killing me. It would be nice to slide my feet on my alpha’s lap so he can rub them again. I swear, my man has magic fingers.
“Carry me,” I say dramatically, walking heavily, arms drooping at my sides. “The soles of my feet are crying.”
Rolling his eyes, Andrew stands in front of me and lowers himself. When I just stand there, he glances over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “Either get on or walk. This offer only lasts for five … four … three …”
Before he gets any lower, I clamber onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kiss the side of his neck noisily, making him chuckle. “You sure you can make it all the way to my house with me on your back? It’s like two miles.”
“You weigh like, fifty pounds. I’ll be fine.”
“Well, carry on, alpha of all alphas.”
Andrew pinches my thigh, making me laugh loudly, then starts to walk. I lay my head on his shoulder and look around at the aftermath of the parade. There’s some trash, but most people are already cleaning up as they go, dropping papers and stray necklaces in the garbage cans that line the street. By morning, no trash will be in sight.
When we get about a block away from my apartment, I hop down from Andrew’s back and we start to clean up along the streets until we get to the front of my building. I’m dead on my feet when we’re done. I won’t ask Andrew to carry me upstairs—that’s a bit much. Luckily, I’m only on the second floor.
Once upstairs, we strip out of our wet clothes and head to the shower. While I ogle my alpha, neither of us tries to do anything. We’ve had a long day and I’d rather just lay around for the rest of the afternoon. Andrew washes me, kissing my mating mark every now and then, making me want to reconsider taking him to bed.
“I’ll never get tired of seeing this,” he mutters when he plants one last kiss against the skin of my scent gland before shutting the water off.
Wrapping a towel around my waist, I turn to grin at him. “Then I’ll be sure to always have it showing for you.”
A radiant smile illuminates my alphas face. I wonder how I got so lucky, but I refuse to question it. He belongs to me just as I belong to him. Maybe we both got lucky.
The rest of the afternoon flies by with us lounging on the couch, my feet in Andrew’s lap where he uses his strong hands to rub all the kinks out. We drink Winny’s and watch movies or talk for a bit. It’s relaxing either way. We’ve only been together for a few days but sitting in silence with my Scrooge feels good. I love that he doesn’t feel the need to fill the silence with unnecessary chatter.
I don’t realize I dozed off until I’m startled awake by Andrew scooping me up. His strong arms hold me close as he takes me into my room, laying me in bed and tucking himself close behind me.
“Sleep, omega. We can wake in a bit and get something to eat.”
I’m asleep before he can finish the sentence.
Again, waking up with a hard alpha and an even harder cock pressed against me is the strangest sensation, since I’m so used to waking up alone. But Andrew feels good behind me. This time, I grind back against him, though I have no intentions of doing anything else.
Andrew’s husky chuckle flows over me. “You’re trouble.” His sleep drenched voice is like music to my ears, making me shiver.
“So you’ve said. Come on, snookums. Time to get some food in you.”
“Snookums, Scrooge. What other names you got for me?”
I turn over and straddle him, grinning down at him. “Oh, baby, I can think of tons. Just let me know if you’re ready for those kinds of games.”
He groans, throwing an arm over his eyes. “No. Those are fine.”
I bend to kiss his arm, then hop off the bed. “Come on. Let’s cook something. I’m not sure what I have in the kitchen, but we can make something work.”