Page 95 of Reaper's Revenge
“Oh, and the dealbreaker Ares…” She rises from the sofa. “Get Barbie back, or the deal’s off.” She walks to the door. “I will return when he does.”
“Ray.” I gasp. She stops and turns to look at me. “No one knows where he is. No one has heard from him since he left.”
“Well then, Brother, best look fucking harder. When he returns, give me a call.” And with that, she leaves, and the guys stay there for an uncomfortable minute before turning and leaving with her.
“Fuck.” I pull out my phone.
Pres: 911
I put the call out to the club. Fuck, this is gonna be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and when I find him, I know I’m gonna have to grovel. Shit, this sucks. What happened to blood in, blood out? We’ve all got fucking soft since she arrived. Barbie should have been dead for fucking leaving, yet we let him stroll right out the front fucking door. Now it's time to drag his ass back, kicking and screaming if I have too.
Six days, fourteen hours and twenty-eight minutes till we found Barbie. Me, Dozer and Viking head out to see him while he's being watched and stalked so we don’t lose him. It's a three-hour fucking ride, and it's stupid o’clock, and he’s in some ratty shit hotel in the middle of bum fuck nowhere, population more cockroaches than people.
Pulling in, we get off the bikes and check out the area. There is no back way out of the room, and no way to escape. I walk to the door and knock.
“Who is it?” Barbie says from inside.
“Fucking housekeeping.” I grit out.
He swings the curtain back on the window, and we just stare at each other before he closes it again. “What do you want?”
“You’ve had your fucking vacation. I’ve come to take you back.”
“What if I don't want to come back?”
“Have you forgotten who I fucking am, Barbie? Blood in, blood fucking out. Now, either we can do this the easy way or the fucking hard way, but whatever you decide, you’re fucking coming back tonight. Now just pack your fucking stuff, and let's go!”
“You're not gonna kill me?”
Viking laughs. “He couldn’t if he wanted to.”
The door cracks open. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Can we come in? You've missed a lot!” Dozer adds.
After we explain everything, Barbie is a whirlwind, gathering all his stuff and stomping around. “Why the fuck didn’t you just start with Ray’s back? Would have saved the last forty minutes of shouting through the fucking door” He slams stuff into his saddle bags. “Well, come the fuck on, then.” He grumbles as he shoves through the door.
“Fuck’s sake.” I scrub a hand down my face; why the fuck didn’t I just think of that? Viking slaps me on the shoulder. “Don’t you fucking dare. Right, last one back to the clubhouse is calling Ray.”
We all dive on our bikes and ride out of there.
Fuck knows what time it is, but I grab my phone
“What?” an angry, sleepy male voice comes down the line.
“Who the fuck is this and where the fuck is Ray?” I spit back.
“Who the fuck’s that?” She grumbles and I can hear her rolling over. “Tell them to fuck off its the middle of the fucking night.”
“You heard her,” he mutters.
“Put her fucking on now. It’s Ares.”
“Ray, it's your brother,” he says.
“Which one?” she grumbles.