Page 96 of Reaper's Revenge
“The cunty one!”
She sighs, grabbing the phone off him. “Ares this best be fucking good!”
“Ray! Are you fucking… ready to come home? We have Barbie.” I start spitting out. Is she fucking him? Then rein it in at the last minute. Fuck, I need to be really careful here.
“You do?”
“Yeah Ray I do.”
“I'll be back first thing… Ares?”
“I wouldn't do that, I wouldn’t be fucking someone else.”
“I'm sorry, Ray… I just, I shouldn't have, just come home, okay? See you in the morning.”
“Boyband?” As she whispers it over the phone, I slide into my seat. I close my eyes at hearing her say it again, as I never thought I would.
“Yeah?” I sigh.
“Tell me everything will be okay,” she whispers.
“It will when you come home. I promise.”
I hang up the phone and clutch it to my chest as the lump appears in my throat and the clenching in my heart intensifies.
“She’s coming home, brother. I promise I will look after them all. I will love them for you every day and never let them go again.” A tear rolls down my face. I let it be followed by another and then another, and I just hug that phone to my chest. “They're coming home.” I sigh, hoping wherever he is, he can hear me and know I will die for them all.
It's been a whirlwind of a few months. Ray came home, Barbie settled back in, the boys have been working non-stop since they got back. Turns out the entrance to the compound was behind one of the panels in the “office,” or kill room as we now all think it should be called.
They’ve reinforced the tunnel and electronic doors and ramped up the security system. The barracks were stripped out and turned into nice, real nice apartments. There's a tech room that Dice is practically wanking over on the daily and Dane is just as bad. Their stores is amazing, too, and I may have helped myself to a few little bits while I was “helping” load it up. The hanger with the stores in had a hidden panel in the wall in one of the offices with stairs leading to an underground bunker, which they’re turning into The Armoury. Ray says I can't have a rocket launcher, but I’ve been the best of her brothers since she came back.
Scar and Ray are almost back to normal, but Scar is still eaten up with guilt and, some days, is so hard on herself. Ray slapped her the other day, telling her to stop being a little bitch and get over it already. Only time will tell how that pans out.
But right now, we’re here in the clinic pacing, Ray’s in labour and Marie’s in there with her. We were all kicked out as we all wanted to be with her. We haven't let her out of sight since she got back, always ensuring at least one of us is with her at all times, even when she sleeps. Normally, Dane slides in with her or Bran, but this last week, she kicked them out and said she needed to get used to it now the babies are coming. And so here we are, waiting, pacing, drinking shit coffee. Bernie and Cade are the fucking worst, constantly pestering the nurse for updates, to which they keep saying they’ll be here when they’re here. It's been fucking hours, and we’re all really worried. They keep assuring us this is normal and everything’s going well, but…
A doctor pushes through the doors. “Are you all the family of Ray Steel?”
All standing as a unit, the doctor takes a step back, and Cade steps forward. “I’m her dad.”
“Well, Grandad”—he smiles—“we have two healthy little ones, a little boy born first, then a little girl born twenty-eight minutes later. You can go and see them now, but not all at once.” He looks at us all. “Maybe in twos, but mom and babies need to rest, so don't stay long, okay?”
Cade and Bernie go first, then Bran and Demi and Dane and Dice, and as me and Scar go in, I take a breath at the door.
“You good?” Scar asks, and I just nod, but I'm starting to feel the pressure.
I can't let them down now they're here, I can’t for a single second drop the ball, and I know that's unreasonable, and it's not true, but for him, I would burn the world down for them, and as I step into the room and look at their little sleeping faces, I know I will die for them. They both look like him, like Steel. I can see it already. The little girl has his raven black hair, and it's so thick already, and the little boy has hair like Ray and Cade.
Walking over to the bed, I stroke my big, meaty paws down their delicate features. “Fuck, Ray, they’re fucking perfect.” I lean down and kiss her, whispering into her ear, “He would be so proud of you, you know that, right?”
She nods once and closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Meeting my gaze, she smiles. “You see it too, don't you?”
“Fuck yeah, I do.” I chuckle, “They look like him, even this little.”
“Fuck, guys… how am I gonna do this?” she says.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You literally have an army out there, fuck. I don’t think you will ever have to change a diaper.”