Page 21 of Shadows Of Dusk
There’s no way.
“You can’t be serious,” I mutter under my breath, and the wolf’s ears perk forward with a twitch.
The wolf noses the berries closer to me again and takes a healthy step back, turning in a circle twice before it curls into a ball, keeping hazel eyes fixed on me.
I lean forward to grasp a small piece of the bush and pull its branches closer. My sights remain glued to the wolf whose eyes are shut, but its ears are still alert and twitching with every sound.
I pick a berry off the bush and tear my gaze from the creature.
Hopefully these aren’t poisonous. Maybe I shouldn’t eat it. Would a wolf even know if they’re dangerous to humans?
My stomach grumbles loudly, and decide to take the chance, putting my faith in a random wild canine who I’m sure would opt to eat me in a moment of desperation.
I pop the berry into my mouth and chew tentatively. The flavors explode over my tongue and I realize it’s just a giant blueberry. I sputter, choking back laughter as I pull more off the bush and scarf them down.
I didn’t realize how damn hungry I was.
Once I’ve cleaned the branches of all the berries, I lean my weight on the tree and look at the wolf, still unsettled that its hazel eyes are fixed on me.
“Um. Thank you, for the berries..” The creature shakes its head in a purely canine manner and I frown, rubbing my hands on my face.
“God. I’m talking to a wolf. I really have lost my mind.”
A quiet snort brings my attention back to the animal before me and if I didn’t know better, I’d swear it wore an amused expression.
I glance through the canopy to the moon in the middle of the night sky, weighing my options of resting or continuing the journey. I doubt I’d make it far if I tried to go any further.
Now that my hunger is no longer in the forefront of my mind, my body feels like a giant sack of potatoes.
“Think there’s any chance that if I fall asleep, you won’t eat me?” The wolf’s ear twitches and a huff of air is its sole response.
“Right then, and I suppose you wouldn’t be willing to wake me up in an hour” I joke with a twinge of sarcasm and settleinto the tree.
Chapter 12
I awake to something cold pressing against my cheek.
My eyes snap open, and I’m leaning into soft fur, face to face with my newest canine companion as I scramble back to a sitting position.
When the hell did it come close enough for me to curl into it?
As I shift further away, the cold air sends shivers down my spine. At least I didn’t freeze to death.
With a glance, the moon has moved a bit since I fell asleep. I’d assume it’s been a couple of hours, max.
I freeze, shifting my gaze to the wolf who is again staring at me with what I could swear is canine amusement.
“You woke me up like I asked.”
The wolf remains still and continues to watch me.
“I must be going insane. That has to be it. I hit my head or whatever that man drugged me with clearly has side effects that include hallucinating or talking to wolves.”
I stiffly push to my feet, my joints cracking and popping as I stretch my back and arms.
“Well, this has been fun my new furry friend but I must be going before either of those guys show up.” I shudder at the thought and glance around.
“You wouldn’t happen to know which direction the nearest town is, would you?”