Page 22 of Shadows Of Dusk
The wolf stares at me.
“Right. I knew that was too good to be true. Definitely hallucinating. I’ll just pick a direction then, and hope for the best.”
I turn one way and pause with a frown. I twist another way and hesitate there too as I bite my lip with indecision.
Sighing, I choose a path and start the journey across the moonlit clearing, toward where the wolf went for the berries. As I walk, I glance back to see my canine hallucination stand up, shaking its coat before it leaps into the darkness.
I walk for what feels like hours, the sun has barely risen and brightened the forest enough that I managed to find a blueberry bush on my own and ate my fill. A rustle to my left makes me jump as the wolf appears, huffing once before looking at me intently.
I move to take a step forward, and it snorts loudly.
Frowning, I glance to the brush where the wolf came from and tilt my head.
“Do you want me to follow you?” I ask hesitantly.
The wolf turns around and heads in the direction it came.
I don’t know why I expected a response. One hundred percent fucking mad.
After walking for a few minutes, the sound of trickling water fills the air and I find myself picking up my pace as we come upon a small freshwater stream. Though I am sure there’s plenty of things I’d rather not ingest living within it, I can’t go much longer without hydrating.
I kneel, dipping my hands into the running water, lifting it to my mouth and drinking deeply. The wolf moves slightly downstream and takes its fill as well.
I stare at my new companion with a mix of awe and disbelief.
This is one resourceful hallucination, I suppose.
On one hand, I likely would have been crippled with hunger, dehydration or frozen cold by now. On the other hand, I have apparently befriended a wild animal and have repeatedly humanized its actions and mannerisms.
Mad. I have officially gone mad. Perhaps I’ve died.
Shaking my head, I watch as the wolf jump over the stream, toward a patch of woods.
“I have no idea if you will understand this but, thank you for leading me here.” The wolf glances at me, its fur twitching slightly before continuing on.
Despite my reservations and defying all sound logic, I follow it.
Hours go by and the sun grows dimmer beneath the canopy as we continue through the forest. The area seems to buzz with sound as we pass a particularly dense part of the woods. Ducking to avoid a low branch, and pushing through a section of foliage, I raise my head to see a path ahead with buildings just beyond the treeline.
A town. We found civilization. Thank god.
Not that I minded traveling with my new canine friend but, I do have a life to get back to. I’m sure after a full day without any word from me, Henry and Candace have in all likelihood, lost their minds.
The wolf stays behind in the forest while I make my way toward the small community of buildings. I spot a church and some other various properties beyond that. Continuing down the road, I glance at each establishment I pass until my gaze falls upon the sign in front of me.
Maria’s Antiques.
The small shop’s open sign is flashing, with the P and E burnt out. Something about this store feels like it’s tugging deep inside of me. Every fiber of my being is drawn to it, and I have no choice but to go in and take a look around.
Chimes sound as I open the door and step inside. It’s quiet and dimly lit with an overwhelming amount of dust in the air as I scan the shop.
A short, heavy set woman with black hair wearing a brown dress steps out from the back room, and she smiles, “Good evening! What can I getcha?”
I try my best to return the gesture through this strange sensation in my body and shake my head, “Just looking for now, thanks so much.”
She nods, turning toward the back room again. “Call if you need me otherwise I’ll be in here, sweetheart.”
I venture down the main aisles, slowly making my way to the front counter, looking at all the trinkets and gadgets. Most of which aren’t worth much and appear to be items traded or sold out of desperation or created by people picking up hobbies for making necklaces and bracelets.