Page 23 of Shadows Of Dusk
As I approach the register, a peculiar buzzing and vibrating sensation courses through my body. My eyes are drawn to a piece of jewelry displayed on the back wall: a delicate gold chain with an oval amulet. At the center of the globe, a stationary moon appears to float surrounded by some type of clear liquid or substance.
Certain that my mind is playing tricks on me, I try to shake off the strange sensation and turn away from the jewelry display. But as I do, a sudden jolt of pain shoots through the center of my body, gripping me between my ribs. I gasp, clutching at my chest, the intensity of the pain leaving me breathless.
What the hell is happening to me?
I rub the area, turning to the counter again and loudly call toward the back room, “How much for this necklace?”
The woman walks out and follows my gaze to the amulet with a nod of her head. “Beautiful piece, been here a while. I don’t like to sit on inventory either, so I’ll give it to ya for a steal of a deal. Twenty bucks.”
I nod and unzip the hidden pocket of my sports bra. “Do you take cards or cash only?”
“Either, sweetheart.” The woman pulls the amulet off the wall and starts to wrap it before I hold my arm out.
“No need, I’ll wear it now. I’d rather not be carrying anything.”
She nods in response and places it on the counter in front of me, ringing up the item on her computer. I tap my card, waiting for the payment screen to show ‘Approved’ before securing the amulet around my neck and the moment it’s in my hands, the vibration radiating through my core stops.
She hands me the receipt and heads toward the back room. “Come back sometime soon!” She shouts before disappearing.
Leaving the shop behind, I continue down the road and tuck my card into my bra. I pull out the bills I stuffed in there before I left the house last and thank myself silently for having the foresight and taking the precautions I did for these ‘just-in-case’ situations.
Yay for overthinking, I guess.
A gas station comes into view up ahead, and I head directly to it. I need to eat something more substantial than blueberries, a drink and use the washroom. As I walk the aisles I snag a sandwich from the to-go fridge and a bottle of water, then carry them to the counter to pay.
The food is stale and dry, but the drink helps it go down. Once both are polished off, I use the washroom to relieve myself and splash some water on my face. As I gaze in the mirror and take in my appearance, I chuckle at how completely disheveled I look. My fingers comb roughly through my hair to detangle it, splashing water on it lightly to tame the frizz. Using damp paper towels, I clean off my scratched arms and legs until I’m satisfied that people won’t think I’m loitering.
Leaving the gas station, I glance down the street and an odd feeling settles in as I realize that I haven’t come across a single motel during my walk.
Random tree in the woods, it is.
I release a sigh, acknowledging that I truly must have gone mad since I’m contemplating, and slightly in favor of sleeping in the woods again, hopefully with the company of my new canine friend.
As I step into the tree line, a wave of unease washes over me and sits deep within my core.
Something’s not right.
I hesitate.
My instincts sending out red flags and warning signs. I quickly glance to one side, to see nothing but empty forest when suddenly pain blooms across the back of my skull and Isuccumb to the dark.
Chapter 13
My head pounds and I wince as my eyes peel open slowly.
My heart rate spikes as I recall my last few moments before I presumably lost consciousness. I feel sharp, radiating pain through my chest which tells me that the amulet I got from the antique shop is no longer around my neck.
I’m laying flat on a bed that smells as though it hasn’t been washed in months. It reeks of body odor, dust and mildew. The room looks like it’s part of a run down house, the walls are covered with tacky, yellowing and peeling floral wallpaper.
There’s an antique wooden dresser near the door with some clothes, tape and other various items on top, and a nightstand sits opposite the bed. A mirror along the length of the wall allows me to take in my current predicament with unfortunate clarity.
My arms are tightly restrained above my head to the frame of the bed, and each of my legs are secured to their respective corners of the bed by my ankles. I’ve been stripped of my torn hiking clothes with just my sports bra and underwear left on.
My entire body shudders and tears spring to my eyes as dread sets in. I feel exposed and vulnerable. I pull at my arm restraints, twisting frantically in an attempt to break them, but the thin rope bites deep into my skin.
Hissing from pain and frustration, a bang from another room sends my mind into a frenzy and I start screaming at the top of my lungs. Hurried footsteps sound through the hall and the door swings open. I watch with wide eyes as the Leathery Man grabs a cloth and duct tape from the dresser. He shoves it roughly in my mouth tomuffle the sound and then rips two long pieces of duct tape off before he secures them to my face. I’m still thrashing and making as much noise as I can, ignoring the agony in my limbs in a desperate attempt to alert anyone to my presence.