Page 63 of Shadows Of Dusk
Isn’t that the truth.
Chapter 24
It’s an hour drive before we get into a small town just northeast of the last. Desperate to relieve some of the awkwardness and tension as we seem to be nearing our destination, I try to stir up conversation.
“Where to now?” The journey is so silent that my voice is incredibly loud in comparison.
“There’s another market here.” His response is curt and leaves more questions, but I can tell he isn’t in the mood to field any of them. Whatever happened at his warehouse has left him in an incredibly sour mood.
Caspian is already such a hot and cold individual, but this is complete stonewalling. We venture further into the small community of buildings, and my mind wanders to Dan and my chest aches with loneliness.
I wonder if Dan knows where we’ve gone or if he thinks we’re still back in that town where we saved May and Rose. We pull over a few streets down from the little market set up in a small park. It’s hardly half the size of the last, and I wonder how long we’ll stay here looking for Tammy.
Caspian shuts off the ignition abruptly, even going so far as to slam the truck door causing me to flinch.
His actions and behavior are proving that I am a fly circling a spider’s web. One wrong move and I could be its next meal.
We head toward the market and I leisurely stroll from one vendor to another, searching for Tammy in the small crowd of people as I meander through.
I can feel tension rolling off of Caspian as he checks his phone repeatedly by the last vendor tent and I approach him cautiously, “No sign of her here.”
He raises his head with a cocked eyebrow in confusion, and I clarify, “No sign of Tammy.”
Understanding flashes through his features, “Unfortunate. I was hoping we’d find something or catch her scent.”
My stomach drops and I glance around, suddenly feeling out of place and paranoid, but there’s no sign that we’re being watched and nothing appears to be wrong, so I brush it off.
“We’ll head to the rental, then head to the next town in the morning.”
My head jerks back, “I need to work tomorrow.”
“No, this is more important. If we don’t find her soon, you never know what might happen to her.” Caspian says plainly as he gives me a hard look.
My insides twist as I think of Tammy being held captive for this long and blow out a reluctant breath, “Okay, let’s go, then.”
We get back to the rental as the sun goes down, the cover of trees giving the illusion of it being darker. As we pull up, Caspian throws it into park and sprints to the building.
My eyes track him to the house as my gaze falls on the wide open door and my heart thrashes in my chest. Caspian disappears inside and I quickly lock the truck. My body feels like a stone in the seat as I wait, glancing around at the treeline for any indication that I need to run. After a long couple minutes, Caspian appears and I click the unlock button as he stalks to the truck, swinging my door open.
“Let’s go. The sooner we go to sleep, the sooner we can get the fuck out of here. Nothing will happen while I’m with you.”
His words are confident, but there is not a single thing about them that gives me any reassurance. Deciding not to pick this battle, Inod and step out of the truck, following him into the house as he bolts the door closed.
There’s stuff thrown everywhere, our bags were rummaged through, but it doesn’t look like anything was stolen.
“What do you think they were looking for?”
Caspian’s jaw clenches as his gaze flickers to the keys around my neck, but he doesn’t answer. Considering how much pain I feel simply turning away from the amulets, I can only imagine how excruciating it would be to have them stolen.
Part of me wonders if I would go numb if I got far enough away or if I’d just pass out from the pain. I shiver at the thought of ever testing that theory.
Caspian must see me shudder and places his large hand on my shoulder, “It’s alright, Lara. I don’t think the thieves knew what they were looking for. As long as it stays that way, I don’t think we have much to worry about.”
I’m quiet for a moment before the realization dawns on me, “Do you think the report you got about the warehouse earlier was a precursor to the rental being broken into?”
Something flashes across Caspian’s face, but before I can get a read on it, it’s gone.
“I don’t know,” His tone has flattened, and he gestures toward the bedroom, “Shall we?”