Page 64 of Shadows Of Dusk
Butterflies flutter throughout my body, but they’re not the same light and airy ones I felt the first few nights spent with Caspian.
These feel like an omen.
I move to the bedroom, searching for a pair of pajamas and promptly shower. Taking as little time as possible, I adopt the same thought process as he did earlier. The sooner I get to sleep, the faster I can get out of bed, and we can continue looking for Tammy.
I quickly pull on my pajamas, returning to the room as Caspian passes by to shower, saying nothing before he closes the door behind him.
I hear the faucet squeal as the water turns on and my exhaustion from the day settles in. Before he finishes, I’m already fast asleep.
If there’s one good thing about sleeping in a bed with Caspian, it’s that I don’t have nightmares. Or any dreams for that matter.
I fall and stay asleep until one of us wakes up. Once again our limbs are intertwined when I open my eyes, and it’s a conscious effort to avoid my body’s traitorous desires.
I have to constantly remind myself that simply because Caspian’s attractive, doesn’t make him a good partner, regardless how attentive he was with his mouth and hand.
Dragging myself out of bed, I go to the washroom to change and put my dirty clothes into my bag. As I’m putting my pajamas away, I see a small folded piece of paper in one of the pockets where I keep my socks.
I frown and glance to the lock on bathroom door, making sure it’s turned before unfolding the paper.
Beware the duplicitous nature of your traveling companion. You are not safe.
A warning is the best they could do?
I snort at the notion of someone thinking that I assumed I was safe.
I haven’t felt safe a day in my life.
To say he’s duplicitous though, implies it is common knowledge to someone else of his deceitful behavior.
Either this individual is trying to warn me or make me trust Caspian less.
Admittedly, I already hardly trust him.
His actions and behavior recently has shown that he’s a loose cannon with a one-track mind, and unfortunately it seems less like Tammy is the focus and more so that it’s on finding the amulets before his brother does.
A loud knock at the door jolts me from my thoughts, making me jump, and I nearly drop the tiny piece of paper.
“Lara, we gotta go.” Caspian’s voice is cold and my pulse stutters.
I toss the paper into the toilet and flush it, “Be right out.” A wave of relief crashes over me when my voice holds steady, and I watch the paper disappear.
Time to go into this with fresh and open eyes.
We drive three hours to the next town on the list.
It is a small community of people who live pretty far off the beaten path. Their cars are old and worn, and they mostly travel using horses or bikes. We stick out like a sore thumb as we drive through, dust flying behind us as we cruise toward the small cluster of buildings and farming lots.
As we drive past a property, I feel the almost imperceptible tug, followed by a crash of pain that slams into my body and I gasp while shouting to stop, smacking my hand on the window.
Caspian slams on the brakes and the truck fishtails to the side. I fumble to unlock the door in my frantic state. My blood pumping into my ears, the roaring sound of it drowning out his shouts behind me.
As I throw myself out of the truck my knees buckle, giving out beneath me, and I crumple to the ground.
I turn toward the tug and suck in gasps of the dusty air until I cough. The relief from going in the right direction gives my body the strength it needs to carry me as I push myself to my feet. Movementin my peripherals tells me Caspian’s made an appearance at my side, and I glance to see shock etched onto his face.
“Is it another amulet?” I really look at him, and though he’s asking, he doesn’t seem surprised.
He simply looks as if he wants to confirm what he already suspects which furthers the nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that something is off.