Page 26 of Hooked on You
While the traffic was nearly bumper to bumper, and the speeds were slow in the villages she passed through along the way, she still made good time and arrived at the “Mermaid’s Mansion” just a little over an hour after she’d texted Caitlin.
Chapter Seventeen
Caitlin’s dad was up under the house doing something with a garden hose as she pulled into the drive. He set it down and came over to greet her with a big bear hug as soon as she stepped out of her car.
“Hi, Scott.”
“Jenni, glad to have you here,” he said. “Did you have much trouble on the drive? It’s been a mad house here for the pastseveral days. Every year I think it can’t get any more crowded and then, somehow it is.”
“Plenty of traffic for sure, but it kept moving,” Jenni replied as she pulled her suitcase from her hatchback. She was surprised no one else had come out to greet her.
Scott grabbed her case and said, “I’ll take that up for you. Caitlin and Andrew and Barb just zipped over to the Sunshine Mart for a few things, so make yourself at home. I think you have the same room that you had in April.”
Jenni unpacked and poured herself a glass of iced tea while she waited for their return. She scanned her phone’s weather app and saw that summer thunderstorms notwithstanding, it would be “hotter than a firecracker,” as her dad would say, for the entire week.
When she heard a car pull into the driveway, she walked out onto the porch and waved.
Caitlin waved back and kept waving and waving until Jenni got the glint of something in the sun.
“Oh, my God,” she screamed and ran down the steps. “Let me see that!”
She grabbed Caitlin’s left hand and looked at the gorgeous diamond sparkling just like she’d seen the ocean water sparkle on brilliantly sunny days.
She hugged her friend and then turned to hug Andrew and then Barb and then Scott in turn.
“When?” Jenni asked breathlessly.
“A few nights ago, actually right before we left to come up here,” Caitlin said. She stared at the ring as though she thought it might disappear. “I was totally shocked, although Dad already knew.” She looked at Scott and beamed. “Andrew actually called and asked him for my hand.” She laughed. “How cool is that?”
Jenni looked at Barb, who, probably not for the first time, had tears in her eyes. “How does it feel to be a MOB?” Jenni asked.
“A what?” said Barb, looking confused.
“Mother of the bride,” Jenni clarified. “You’ve got big responsibilities, you know?”
Barb grabbed a bag of groceries and started up the stairs. “I expect you to help me. I’ve heard all about your party-planning skills, Ms. Kirk. And since…” Her voice suddenly trailed off.
Now it was Jenni’s turn to look confused. Caitlin looked a bit exasperated, but she shrugged and said, “Well, Mom, you almost spilled the beans, but now is as good a time as any, I suppose. Jenni, how does MOH sound to you? As in maid of honor?”
Jenni gasped and hugged her friend all over again. “Of course, CayCay, you know it will be my honor.”
Barb, who had made it up the stairs, called down from the railing, “Please, bring the rest of those groceries up before they cook right there. Jenni, I hope you’re hungry, we bought enough to feed an army. But it’s time for a little celebration, so why don’t we head to Marcie’s for lunch and plan out these next few days?”
Groceries put up, Jenni rode with Caitlin and Andrew, with Barb and Scott following close behind. Jenni had a million questions about the wedding and how many decisions they had already made. They talked incessantly and were still at it when Andrew pulled into the lot at Marcie’s.
“We’re a bit early for lunch,” admitted Caitlin, “But at least we’ll get a seat.”
She then turned to Jenni and spoke in a whisper. “Have you seen or heard from Caleb?”
Jenni shook her head.
She felt that same sick feeling in the pit of her stomach but tried to keep her voice emotionless. “No, and it’s probably betterthat way. I wonder if he’s using his golf package at Pinehurst this weekend?”
Caitlin said nothing, and Jenni was relieved. Hopefully, Caitlin sensed that Caleb was not a good topic.
Andrew held the door for them as they walked into the restaurant, and Caitlin immediately spotted Chris and Susan Smith, Mike and SeaAnna Leornard, and JoBell Leonard. “Let’s go sit by them,” she suggested.
They all rose and exchanged greetings. JoBell smiled warmly at Jenni as they were introduced. “My mom told me you went to St. Adrian’s too. I have to say my years there were challenging. I think I enjoy the memories much more than I enjoyed the school when I was there.”